LP2 - how does it compare?

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Bill Clarke

LP2 - how does it compare?

Post by Bill Clarke »

The LP2 is a rather recent entry into the 10-meter field. It is a different animal than the LP10. According to the ads they sport a common trigger (although the LP2 isn't quite as adjustable) and have the same adjustable grips.
Can anyone comment about this air pistol?

Jay V

Re: LP2 - how does it compare?

Post by Jay V »

: The LP2 is a rather recent entry into the 10-meter field. It is a different animal than the LP10. According to the ads they sport a common trigger (although the LP2 isn't quite as adjustable) and have the same adjustable grips.
: Can anyone comment about this air pistol?

The best thing to do might be to talk to Warren at Pilkington (931) 924-3400 about the gun, but from what I understand it is the next step from the LP-1. It doesn't have the LP-10s recoil absorber, ported barrel, barrel shroud, adjustable trigger, or adjustable rear sight blade. The trigger mechanism should be the same as the LP-10, but the actual trigger is the the LP-1 type. A basic, but extremely capable, 10M pistol. Reliable and accurate as every Steyr. Capable of world-class scores as is. For most of us the additional features that the LP-10 has aren't really necessary.

Jay Vergenz

Lewis Reinhold

Re: LP2 - how does it compare?

Post by Lewis Reinhold »

Couldn't they have chosen a better name?


You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by Charles »

: Couldn't they have chosen a better name?


Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by BobZ »

: : Couldn't they have chosen a better name?
The actual name is not LP@,but rather LP-@Anschutz Compressed Air. When read in its entirety "Luftpistole @Anschutz Pressluft" makes alot of sense, in fact liked it so much that I bought one.

Lewis Reinhold

Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by Lewis Reinhold »

Yes,I guess so but at least LP@ hasn't been around before.

Bill Clarke

Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by Bill Clarke »

What did you replace with the LP@? How do you like how it handles?

Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by BobZ »

: What did you replace with the LP@? How do you like how it handles?
I started 10m shooting with a Tau-7 match.After finding that I really liked the sport deceided to go high end with the Anschutz.As for handling I like the weight system which is easily adjustable.The second stage of the trigger is of the "crisp" type.There is no "rollover" at all.I could not adjust the trigger for reach because the slotted screw which holds the trigger in place feels like it is welded in. I guess I will have to send it to a smith to get them to move it.When I do my part the pistol shoots like a demon,lots of "oneholers".It is my part that needs improvement.

Randy Bimrose

Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by Randy Bimrose »

I believe what Lewis was trying to get to was the fact that Walther had a LP2, 1967-1972. It just gets confusing when two manufactureres use the same model numbers. It has happened with both domestic and foreign models.

Lewis Reinhold

Re: You mean like LP@ ? :)

Post by Lewis Reinhold »

Yes,Randy is right.LP2 is hardly original!

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