What will you use for RF next year?

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Mike McDaniel

What will you use for RF next year?

Post by Mike McDaniel »

OK, thought I'd toss this out for debate....What will you use for RF after it goes to .22LR Standard Pistol?
Personally, I'm tempted to use my Hammerli 208 as it points well for me. But I think it's going to be very interesting...

No changes for next year...

Post by Paul »

so I'll stick to my GPS, and for 2005 go to a 1000gr modified GPE - if they change the program to 10/8/6 sec. If they expect me to shoot 8/6/4 with a standard pistol, they better start thinking again. I tried it out, and it's nearly impossible, at least for me, to shoot controlled 4 sec series.

Re: No changes for next year...

Post by RML »

Yes, they do expect you to shoot 8/6/4 with a standard pistol.
I expect to see some standardpistol with lots of additional weights already next year.

Re: No changes for next year...

Post by Mark »

8/6/4 sounds like an eternity to an ipsc shooter...you mean you don't have to draw either? :) No wonder people are shooting almost perfect scores.
: so I'll stick to my GPS, and for 2005 go to a 1000gr modified GPE - if they change the program to 10/8/6 sec. If they expect me to shoot 8/6/4 with a standard pistol, they better start thinking again. I tried it out, and it's nearly impossible, at least for me, to shoot controlled 4 sec series.

10 ring aimer

IPSC shooters?

Post by 10 ring aimer »

Ah, but grasshopper, you forget one thing, one must first look at the black apendages on their sidearm and align them with the center of the target 8/6/4, something that the average IPSC shooter has no concept of.

But yes alas , it is true that there is much more money available for their poor shooting skills
: 8/6/4 sounds like an eternity to an ipsc shooter...you mean you don't have to draw either? :) No wonder people are shooting almost perfect scores.
: : so I'll stick to my GPS, and for 2005 go to a 1000gr modified GPE - if they change the program to 10/8/6 sec. If they expect me to shoot 8/6/4 with a standard pistol, they better start thinking again. I tried it out, and it's nearly impossible, at least for me, to shoot controlled 4 sec series.

Bruce Braxton

Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by Bruce Braxton »

: Ah, but grasshopper, you forget one thing, one must first look at the black apendages on their sidearm and align them with the center of the target 8/6/4, something that the average IPSC shooter has no concept of.
Huhhhhhhhhh???? As a long time IPSC shooter, I can tell you that we are looking at the sights pretty dog-gone well.
I.E., during an "El Presidente" drill, we are drawing, aiming and firing two rounds on each of three targets, performing a reload, and re-engaging each target with two rounds (12 rounds total) in less than 6 seconds. WITH GOOD HITS.
Contrary to popular belief (and obviously YOURS), IPSC is not "spray and pray".
I shoot RF and like it. I don't have the time to seriously practice it since Wolf Creek shut down, but I went straight into 540 practice scores. Got up to 570s before I had to stop. I don't think that is too bad for someone who has no concept of sight alignment. :-)

Mark P.

Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by Mark P. »

Somebody needs to tell that to the likes of Doug Koenig (10-time Masters Champion ;) ), I don't think he got the memo.
: Ah, but grasshopper, you forget one thing, one must first look at the black apendages on their sidearm and align them with the center of the target 8/6/4, something that the average IPSC shooter has no concept of.
: But yes alas , it is true that there is much more money available for their poor shooting skills
: : 8/6/4 sounds like an eternity to an ipsc shooter...you mean you don't have to draw either? :) No wonder people are shooting almost perfect scores.
: : : so I'll stick to my GPS, and for 2005 go to a 1000gr modified GPE - if they change the program to 10/8/6 sec. If they expect me to shoot 8/6/4 with a standard pistol, they better start thinking again. I tried it out, and it's nearly impossible, at least for me, to shoot controlled 4 sec series.


Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by Val »

: Somebody needs to tell that to the likes of Doug Koenig (10-time Masters Champion ;) ), I don't think he got the memo.
I think the sentiment was originally applied to "average IPSC shooter".
Mark P.

Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by Mark P. »

I gotta admit, I think the accuracy skills of the average IPSC shooter have probably slipped over the past 5-10 years. But back in the early 90's I think there was much greater emphasis on accuracy and I still think most B-class or better shooters would have enough accuracy to not embarrass themselves on a rapid fire target.
: : Somebody needs to tell that to the likes of Doug Koenig (10-time Masters Champion ;) ), I don't think he got the memo.
: I think the sentiment was originally applied to "average IPSC shooter".


Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by pilkguns »

well not sure how to compare this with the Bianchi Cup competitors, but we sponsored and ran the AirStrike event at Bianchi this year, which was basically the 10m RF event. The majority of the contestants could not hold the black on the 10m sight-in target.....read no time pressure.....Even after we changed the rules the second day to allow a two hand hold because one handed was totally hopeless.
Most of them would not fire for record after they had tried it and shot a few practice rounds, because they thought their scores were to embarassing to be posted. They all said it was fun, and they liked being able to shoot without earplugs.... but that it was too hard

: I gotta admit, I think the accuracy skills of the average IPSC shooter have probably slipped over the past 5-10 years. But back in the early 90's I think there was much greater emphasis on accuracy and I still think most B-class or better shooters would have enough accuracy to not embarrass themselves on a rapid fire target.
: : : Somebody needs to tell that to the likes of Doug Koenig (10-time Masters Champion ;) ), I don't think he got the memo.
: : I think the sentiment was originally applied to "average IPSC shooter".


Sorry, have to disagree

Post by Cecil »

Believe me, the rapid fire, Standard and even Time and Rapid Conventional (one hand unsupported) at 25 yards / 25 meters is too much for even most A class shooters these days. Yes, I know because I've helped many that tried out a match or two because they thought it was so "easy".
Now the really good shooters (read M and GM) can and do progress rapidly, but they have learned how to learn, rather than learned how to shoot. Most all B class and below (and even a lot of A's and Masters) have not learned how to learn.
Bruce Braxton

Re: Sorry, have to disagree

Post by Bruce Braxton »

: Now the really good shooters (read M and GM) can and do progress rapidly, but they have learned how to learn, rather than learned how to shoot. Most all B class and below (and even a lot of A's and Masters) have not learned how to learn.
Now, THAT is deep. True as heck though!
Mark S

Re: IPSC shooters?

Post by Mark S »

You say 6 shot on 3 targets - reload - another 6 shots on 3 targets, total time 6 seconds?
DEFINITELY PRAY & SPRAY for that course
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