Pellets used for target shooting

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Pellets used for target shooting

Post by Bill177 »

I have been using RWS 10 lights (7.7 gr) with good results for most of my paper punching. Now I have noticed some interesting pellets weighing only 5.2 gr from Czech sold as hand sorted Match Diablos available from Pyramid Air. Anyone ever try these? Results?

Re: Pellets used for target shooting

Post by mako »

What are you shooting ... match pistol, plinker pistol, match air rifle ... ?
Match pistols tend to like heavy match (8.2 gr) pellets ...
weak plinkers might do better with light pellets ...
Randy Bimrose

Re: Pellets used for target shooting

Post by Randy Bimrose »

The pellet choice is totally dependent upon the air gun -- rifle or pistol. The weight is not as important as how it groups from that particular gun. Also the regular H&N pellet is 8.09 and the High Speeds is 7.55.

Re: Pellets used for target shooting

Post by Bill177 »

I use the TAU-7 and have been using the R10 lights for about a year. The question was a point of curiosity - due to the lightness of the Match Diablos.
Deon Steyn

Re: Pellets used for target shooting

Post by Deon Steyn »

Someone should ask PyramidAir to correct their site, they have confused GRAM with GRAIN. Not only that they have listed the same weight for the rifle (orange) and pistol (green).
The correct weigths are:
Rifle(green "luft gewehr"): 0.520gram(8.09grain)
Pistol (orange "luft pistolen"): made in either:
0.500gram(7.72grain) or 0.475gram(7.33grain)
These are quite similar to other manufacturers like H&N or RWS (with pistol being slightly lighter)
PyramidAir have mixed up and should also clarify wich pistol weight it is... The JSBs are good pellets, check out their site:
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