How much to save? How much to spend?

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Welly Wu

How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Welly Wu »

Hello! This is a copy of a message that I posted on two other airgun related discussion boards on the Internet:
Hi! It's nice to see a discussion forum like this one. My question deals with the financial aspects of getting into some discipline within air rifle competition in the coming years. I am a beginner and I live in West Orange, NJ. I still need to apply for a NJ permit to purchase & long gun license; I'll do that in May 2004 when I graduate from college. In the meantime, I'm saving like hell to have the money to buy training courses, NRA membership, an air rifle, and shooting equipment. Which is the reason for my question. As a beginner, how much should I save up and how much should I spend? Should I get the best equipment and training possible right from the get go or get decent equipment used or secondhand from others + basic training (i.e., safety, maintenance, NRA basic / advanced rifle courses) and get better equipment only after I've demonstrated consistent improvements? Why do you recommend your answer?
My thinking is to go with the latter. First, get my NJ permit to purchase & long gun license. Then, get decent equipment used or secondhand, basic training courses, and go to a gun range. Talk to seasoned veterans and take copious notes. Setup a training schedule & stick to it. After a year or two, then get "better" equipment & more training. Keep training like hell. Enter a few local competitions to get a sense of the flavor of competition & pick the one I want to devote myself to. Train like hell.
But, I could be wrong. That's why I'd appreciate your help. Any helpful suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks. If you want to, then send your advice to me through my e-mail address: Welly@Comcast.Net. Thanks again!
Welly Wu

Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Welly Wu »

: Hello! This is a copy of a message that I posted on two other airgun related discussion boards on the Internet:
: Hi! It's nice to see a discussion forum like this one. My question deals with the financial aspects of getting into some discipline within air rifle competition in the coming years. I am a beginner and I live in West Orange, NJ. I still need to apply for a NJ permit to purchase & long gun license; I'll do that in May 2004 when I graduate from college. In the meantime, I'm saving like hell to have the money to buy training courses, NRA membership, an air rifle, and shooting equipment. Which is the reason for my question. As a beginner, how much should I save up and how much should I spend? Should I get the best equipment and training possible right from the get go or get decent equipment used or secondhand from others + basic training (i.e., safety, maintenance, NRA basic / advanced rifle courses) and get better equipment only after I've demonstrated consistent improvements? Why do you recommend your answer?
: My thinking is to go with the latter. First, get my NJ permit to purchase & long gun license. Then, get decent equipment used or secondhand, basic training courses, and go to a gun range. Talk to seasoned veterans and take copious notes. Setup a training schedule & stick to it. After a year or two, then get "better" equipment & more training. Keep training like hell. Enter a few local competitions to get a sense of the flavor of competition & pick the one I want to devote myself to. Train like hell.
: But, I could be wrong. That's why I'd appreciate your help. Any helpful suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks. If you want to, then send your advice to me through my e-mail address: Welly@Comcast.Net. Thanks again!
For example, I plan a budget of $3,000 - $3,500 USD to purchase my NJ long gun license & permit to purchase ID card, equipment, and training. Is this enough to begin? Should I save up more? I'd hope that my NJ license will be granted to me by 12/31/2004. So, I have time to save up the money (I'll be sure that I'll reach my savings goal by then). What do you think? Thanks for your replies


Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Joacim »

My suggestion would be to get:
* Used air rifle (FWB 601/Anschutz 2001), I assume you are older than 20 so you wont be able to shoot 3P air. For standing air rifle the pneumatic guns are a bargain and they make no difference for offhand shooting. These models are from the early/mid 90s but they are just as accurate as the new ones and you can find them for fraction of the cost.
* Standard Clothing - I would start with some of the standard sized clothing. It will still give you the advantages of the the more expensiove models, but until you shoot in the 580s, you won't really see the difference between the two. I would recommend either the Monard Starter/Standard or the Thune TKL-1 as they are both very good options and they will last you until you start shooting top scores. I would stay away from any leather coats or older kind of shooting jackets as they don't give you as much support.
* Training - I would join a decent club in your area and get some help with your positions and your training. Buy the book - The Way of the Rifle" and read it cover to to cover a few times.
There aren't many courses for adult shooters, but you can get your coaching license and through those classes you will learn things that are both useful for the kids in your club and moreso for yourself
* Resources -
There are plenty of websites out there - search for smallbore, air rifle and shooting
Some of them are: - general shooting info - shooting equipment - shooting equipment - shooting equipment (check their list of used rifles)
Search for the Washington Shooting (John Crossman) page they have a nice used equipment listing
I hope this gave you at least a little bit of info. IMHO the key is to get as much info you can and then pick just a fraction of each one and create your own plan. My view will not work 100% from you and I might be wrong in certain areas and the same would be for any other shooter you talk to - just soak up the information - process it and make it work for you.
Good Luck!


Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Gary »

: Hello,
: My suggestion would be to get:
: * Used air rifle (FWB 601/Anschutz 2001), I assume you are older than 20 so you wont be able to shoot 3P air. For standing air rifle the pneumatic guns are a bargain and they make no difference for offhand shooting. These models are from the early/mid 90s but they are just as accurate as the new ones and you can find them for fraction of the cost.

: * Training - I would join a decent club in your area and get some help with your positions and your training. Buy the book - The Way of the Rifle" and read it cover to to cover a few times.
: Joacim

I would like to follow up on a couple things that Joacim mentioned.
- Used rifle. If the shooter took care of his/her rifle, don't be afraid of a used rifle. I only have 1 new 10m gun; both my pistols and 1 of 2 rifles are used. Be patient and watch for a good deal, sooner or later one comes up. I bought both my APs and one of my rifles from Warren here at Pilkingtons and I'm very happy with them. Later when your scores are up there, and more funds are available, you can upgrade.
On the other hand, if you have the funds, a new top line rifle will remove doubt in the equipment from your mind, as you can't blame the equipment.
- A coach. Man oh man was this a turning point. I shoot for fun, not a serious competition. But at first I shot SO BAD that I was ready to quit. A few sessions with a coach and such a dramatic improvement. So yes find a good coach, and it could make a serious difference.
- Training. I wish I had that book "Ways of the Rifle" when I first started shooting. I was too stubborn to get it then. But now reading it, things makes sence, and things are soo much easier. The book does not replace a coach, but suppliments the coach.
Gud Luk
Pat McCoy

Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Pat McCoy »

I will second the advice Joacim gave, and add that you should check with Howard Moody at NRA to see if there are any coaches in your area.
Roland Cannon

Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by Roland Cannon »

You sound like you have a good plan. The only thing I could recommend is not buying cheap on the gun itself. I did this and lost a bit of money selling the equipment I setteled for.


Re: How much to save? How much to spend?

Post by PL »

: : But, I could be wrong. That's why I'd appreciate your help. Any helpful suggestions will be welcomed. Thanks. If you want to, then send your advice to me through my e-mail address: Welly@Comcast.Net. Thanks again!
: For example, I plan a budget of $3,000 - $3,500 USD to purchase my NJ long gun license & permit to purchase ID card, equipment, and training. Is this enough to begin? Should I save up more? I'd hope that my NJ license will be granted to me by 12/31/2004. So, I have time to save up the money (I'll be sure that I'll reach my savings goal by then). What do you think? Thanks for your replies

See if you can join a rifle club, they'll often have gear you can borrow or try out to help you decide (or at least visit). Also visit matches to see what others are using & start asking around. Often, shooters have equipment to sell, but don't advertise much.
Just curious - how much does a NJ license cost, and do you need one for air rifle??
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