Pistol rug suppliers?

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns

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Stan Pace

Pistol rug suppliers?

Post by Stan Pace »

Does anyone have a good source (in the USA) for pistol rugs suitable for ISSF pistols, including one large enough for a Morini 84E FP?

Re: Pistol rug suppliers?

Post by Mark »

Hi Stan,
A little off-topic, but when did you get a Morini? I was reasonably certain I saw only one on the line this past summer at the nationals (belongs to Kirk if I'm not mistaken). Have you picked up one since then?
I'm curious to know your impressions of the gun as I'm just getting started with mine...


Stan Pace

Morini FP at the Nationals

Post by Stan Pace »

: Hi Stan,
: A little off-topic, but when did you get a Morini? I was reasonably certain I saw only one on the line this past summer at the nationals (belongs to Kirk if I'm not mistaken). Have you picked up one since then?
Hi Mark,
I'm sure there were more than one Morini on the FP line. I know several guys who own one and were at the Nationals.
: I'm curious to know your impressions of the gun as I'm just getting started with mine...
I changed from a TOZ to a Morini. My only regret is I wish I had done so years ago.
For me, and I emphasize for me, the human/firearm interface is much, much better with the Morini. It has the kind of trigger I've always wanted - a constant force all the way through the shot.
I hope that helps.
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