NSW firearm buy back.......

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns

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NSW firearm buy back.......

Post by Dean »

anyone got any news or info on the buy back yet? prices? time taken to process? etc.....

Re: NSW firearm buy back.......

Post by Leonard »

NSW buyback only started 1/10...so your question is premature.....have a look at www.handgunbuyback.gov.au for prices....

Spencer C

Times and prices

Post by Spencer C »

Day 1 at Blacktown Pistol Club today and they processed about 30 shooters by the time I left at 15:00 (I was shooting, not taking part in the buyback, yet)
Most seemed more than happy with the prices (remember to take any now unusable reloading dies, spare grips, magazines, etc).


Re: Times and prices

Post by ummmm? »

and...ummmm remember to take your lunch box home too!!!
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