10m AR rules

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Dan Alford

10m AR rules

Post by Dan Alford »

Hello everyone,
I've been shooting informal 10m with my R7 for nearly a year, lately I've been wondering what are the rules to formal 10m AR?
Mainly how many shots per target? I understand that there are 60 shots to a match for men and 40 for women, but how many per target?
Thanks in advance,
Dan Alford.

Re: 10m AR rules

Post by Gary »

I think it is 1 shot per target.
At least that is how the local club runs their matches.
BUT...for me it is more determined by how many shot can I still score all the shots. Most definitely more than 1 shot per target. On a very good day 2 shots per target, average day 3 shots per target, and on a bad day 5 shots per target.

: Hello everyone,
: I've been shooting informal 10m with my R7 for nearly a year, lately I've been wondering what are the rules to formal 10m AR?
: Mainly how many shots per target? I understand that there are 60 shots to a match for men and 40 for women, but how many per target?
: Thanks in advance,
: Dan Alford.

Richard Ashmore

Re: 10m AR rules

Post by Richard Ashmore »

Be bold; read ALL the rules:-)
Check the URL for ISSF Rules, listed below-
Tom F

Re: 10m AR rules

Post by Tom F »

One shot per target/bull. Some folks shoot AR5/5 and AR5/10 targets that have more than one bull on them to save time.
Typical same as 10m Pistol match rules. Pick up a rule book from NRA for $2.50.
Targets run about $15 per 1000 for single bull. About $60 per 1000 for 5 bull.
: Hello everyone,
: I've been shooting informal 10m with my R7 for nearly a year, lately I've been wondering what are the rules to formal 10m AR?
: Mainly how many shots per target? I understand that there are 60 shots to a match for men and 40 for women, but how many per target?
: Thanks in advance,
: Dan Alford.

Dan Alford


Post by Dan Alford »

Thanks for all the help guys! I really appreciate it!
Dan Alford.

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