Timing a shot & hold control

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Timing a shot & hold control

Post by tony »

I got big problem with my timing a shot & hold control, The NPA were there sigth aligment were there i cant squeeze the trigger, when i fired the the shot its shooting low. Can you guys give advice how to practice my excecution & timing every shots & hold control. thanks

Re: Timing a shot & hold control

Post by ado »

: I got big problem with my timing a shot & hold control, The NPA were there sigth aligment were there i cant squeeze the trigger, when i fired the the shot its shooting low. Can you guys give advice how to practice my excecution & timing every shots & hold control.Im talking about air rifle.thaks

Re: Timing a shot & hold control

Post by tony »

: I got big problem with my timing a shot & hold control, The NPA were there sigth aligment were there i cant squeeze the trigger, when i fired the the shot its shooting low. Can you guys give advice how to practice my excecution & timing every shots & hold control. for air rifle. thanks

Geoff Hornseth

Re: Timing a shot & hold control

Post by Geoff Hornseth »

ANYTIME you have an off-call shot like that there is basically one of two reasons: you really did not have a true NPA and you were muscling the gun to get the correct sight picture, or, you jerked the trigger.
A vertical error like you mention definitely means you did not have a truly relaxed position and you were muscling the gun to get the proper elevation. Go back to basics. CLOSE your eyes before aiming and truly, truly, RELAX to find your NPA. Every muscle in your body. Then take a peek at where the sights are aimed...... You will probably be surprised. Then fix the problem by adjusting your position.
I always pay close attention to the elevation adjustments FIRST. Get that sorted out, then worry about the rest.
That should get you started. Good luck.
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