Strange LP10 problem...

old, good

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Jerry LeVan

Strange LP10 problem...

Post by Jerry LeVan »

My LP10 has started to display a strange random behavior.
Typically I am rassellin' the rascal around trying to get a shot off and suddenly the gun sorta jumps in my hand. It is very disconcerting to say the least.
The only thing I can think of is either the anti recoil weight in the bolt is not returning after the previous shot and suddenly snapping forward at various inopportune moments... or maybe the regulator is somehow hiccuping.
Any suggestions?

Re: Strange LP10 problem...

Post by AllenM »

I got oil onto the anti recoil "slug" once and it caused a similar effect. You can remove the rear sight screw and it will fall out the back. Be aware that there are 3 tiny springs that will be jumping out also. I degreased everything with denatured alcohol on a cotton swab and reassembled. It seems ok now. If you do take it apart refer to your diagram and take it apart in a cake pan to catch the small parts that fall out.
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