Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

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Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

Post by LesJ »

What is .22LR Subsonic 40gr Lead Solid Point use for?
How would this ammo compare with .22LR pistol match?
Since I don't shoot semi-auto, would it be advantage to use it in free pistol (less recoil)?
Thanks for information.
Jack H

Re: Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

Post by Jack H »

I have fired subsonic RWS, Eley and Aguila at 50' in a K22 with very good results. Almost no recoil. I cannot say about it's absolute accuracy since I fired offhand.
I once fired (lobbed) Aguila Colibri at 50 yards. Needed significant elevation. Also it took a while to get there.

: What is .22LR Subsonic 40gr Lead Solid Point use for?
: How would this ammo compare with .22LR pistol match?
: Since I don't shoot semi-auto, would it be advantage to use it in free pistol (less recoil)?
: Thanks for information.

Spencer C

Recoil and other mind games...

Post by Spencer C »

With a reaction time for most people of around 1/10th second, by the time a shooter's body 'reacts' to recoil, the projectile is at (or close to) the target (even for 50 m events).
There are a number of major factors influencing group size but felt recoil is not one of them - consistent shot-to-shot grip pressure is far more important.
Is 'recoil' a major problem for ISSF 50 m Pistol?
What say other coaches?

Wee Hooker

See "Aguila" thread below NT

Post by Wee Hooker »

: What is .22LR Subsonic 40gr Lead Solid Point use for?
: How would this ammo compare with .22LR pistol match?
: Since I don't shoot semi-auto, would it be advantage to use it in free pistol (less recoil)?
: Thanks for information.

Greg Derr

Re: Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

Post by Greg Derr »

I use this ammo in a TOZ with great results, shoots were I point. Able to break 550 in matches with no trouble. Punched a 97 with three just out in a match this past Sunday- Greg Derr

Q for Greg Re: Subsonic

Post by Mark »

Greg - your ability to shoot subsonic successfully sounds quite impressive. I'm curious to know what brand you use, as well as how you find its performance in other regards such as misfire rate, how dirty it is, etc. I, too, would consider subsonic for my free pistols if I could find a reliable brand. All I can find locally is CCI CB's which are either shorts or longs, not LR, so I won't be shooting them in my fancy free pistols. They do work great for pest control when shot from my plinker rifles though!
Thanks for sharing whatever info you can.



Re: Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

Post by Matvei »

What is this discusson about recoil at 50 metres free pistol shooting? I wonder if anyone has computed the barrel time of the bullet. If the muzzle velocity is known, the acceleration and barrel time can be calculated (estimated) quite precicely, and it is far beyond the reaction time of human muscles. As a shooter sees the barrel jumping, it is nothing but fairwell to the bullet hitting the target simultaneously.

: What is .22LR Subsonic 40gr Lead Solid Point use for?
: How would this ammo compare with .22LR pistol match?
: Since I don't shoot semi-auto, would it be advantage to use it in free pistol (less recoil)?
: Thanks for information.

Spencer C


Post by Spencer C »


Re: Looking for information on .22LR Subsonic

Post by LesJ »

Why then there is so much talk about muzzle compensators? In fact point of impact move lower after I installed muzzle compensator on my Hammerli 160.
How that can be explained?

Re: Advantage

Post by LesJ »

Jim P.

Weight. Barrel didn't recoil as high.

Post by Jim P. »

: Why then there is so much talk about muzzle compensators? In fact point of impact move lower after I installed muzzle compensator on my Hammerli 160.
: How that can be explained?
That is my guess.
Jim P.


Re: Weight. Barrel didn't recoil as high.

Post by LesJ »

My questions were in respond to privies post which concluded: "As a shooter sees the barrel jumping, it is nothing but fairwell to the bullet hitting the target simultaneously." That conclusion would indicate that muzzle flip which is caused by recoil happens after bullet left the barrel and it doesn't change bullet's path.
When muzzle brake lowers bullet impact poin that would indicate that it is not exactly right, or am I missing something?

Jim P.

Yes, Recoil begins at the moment the bullet leaves the case.

Post by Jim P. »

At that time the pressure on the back of the case is say 18,000 psi (.22lr) the equal and opposit pressure is on the base of the bullet which is now a seperate system. So the gun starts to move back and the bullet forward.
As that pressure is usually above the axis of resistance the pistol begins to rotate muzzle up*. Adding more weight on the end of the barrel slows the total rotation at the time the bullet leaves the muzzle so your shot is a little bit lower with the same sight setting (as without the weight)
A muzzle brake using the gas will cause a pulling force as the gas is deflected (and if it is deflected up a thrust) that counters this motion. As you suspect these effects take place after the bullet has left the barrel. (for instance rotating the muzzle brake holes to the side should have no effect on the bullet but would throw the sights to the side.) The reason for the brake would be to keep the sights stable (motion up and down are so fast you don't see it) get the gun back in position for a follow up shot and to lower percieved recoil.
Jim P.
*The Steyr FP-1 seems able to get the barrel below the axis of resistance and can recoil down.

Thank you. NT

Post by LesJ »


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