need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

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need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

Please give me reloading information for accurate loads for the 9mm Pardini GT9. Have tried about 40 different loads, and nothing even approaching small groups. What weight bullet works best, fmj or lead? I have 7625, N320 and 231 powder. thanks, dragon
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by Trooperjake »

You are on the wrong forum page. (Buy, sell, trade)
I would repost your request on the Bullseye forum.
There is already info on the GT9 there.
Good luck...
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

now that I am on the correct page, I am beginning to realize that nobody really shoots a GT9 who will share reloading information. I have to load the Lee 120 TC bullet at 1.062 and the Lee 125 2R at 1.080 inches. I am trying powdercoated bullets with N320 and 231. The best prospect load so far is 4.3 of 231 which chronographs at 1180 fps. With the open sights, which have a green fibre-optic rod, some groups are one inch wide and seven inches vertical at 20 yards benchrested, while other "groups" are about 3 inches and are not strung vertically. An interesting challenge to find an accurate load. I am also trying the 125 grain Aimprojectile plated bullet ( .356 ) and a 140 grain cast NEI bullet, also a 147 BDX fmj. Any suggestions? thanks, dragon
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by Rover »

Why not get your loads down into the 700 to 800fps range? That's where guys are finding their target loads with .38 and .45.

BTW Here are some cheapies for you:
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

The slow twist rate of the rifling is the problem I think. My pistol has the "soft" recoil spring and the load has to cycle the slide. It appears that a light bullet is required in this rifling to stabilize. Others on this site have submitted load data, but their barrel leade is longer than mine. I have not tried loading 115 fmj, but it looks like that will be the answer.
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by SteveT »

It's not that Pardini shooters won't share load data. Not many people are shooting the Pardini, and if they are they're probably shooting 45.

I don't know the twist rate of the Pardini 9mm, but here are some standard loads for the KKM 1:32 barrel used in Beretta's and 1911's. The Hornady 115gr XTP is the bullet of choice. Other JHP's are common.

6.0-6.2gr Power Pistol
5.0gr VV N330 or N340
4.8-5.0gr WSF
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by morten »

Load I use in my Pardini Gt9 6"

4,0gr Vihtavuori N320
H&N 115gr .356 HP bullet
Any primer ( I use CCI and Federal)
Over-All Length (OAL) 28,2mm

Gave me a 30 shot, 1" groupe at 25 meters. It drops about 15-20cm at 70-80 meters

My GT9 came with 2 rebound springs. I use the softest of them.

Almost all GT9 6" we have tested, have had good results with 4,0 to 4,2gr N320, OAL 28,1-28,3mm with the same H&N 115gr HP bullet

The H&N 115gr .356 HP bullet, is a lead bullet that is copper plated.

Image ... /9-mm.html

Please controll these loads agains your own reloading books, to doble check the data before use

Use at your own risk.
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

I emailed Pardini Italy and they replied to state that the rifling is 6-groove, 1 twist in 450 mm ( 17.72 inches ). I am now shooting a 120 lead Lee TC bullet, powder-coated and sized .357 with 4.0 N320.
Thanks for the help and information. dragon
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by Rover »

Funny, but that's about the same twist S&W has been using forever.

Does this load shoot accurately?
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by Trooperjake »

I understand Berry's is making a lead plated HP, to be available this summer.
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

I am trying to avoid buying bullets, thus casting the Lee 120 TC. Powder-coating the bullets eliminates worrying about any leading - it is good to more than 1200 fps.
Re accuracy, I am shooting PPC indoors and the "10" ring is rather large on the full-size
B-27 target, so the ammo must shoot maybe 2.5 inches at 20 yards, which is not bullseye accuracy, but this load shoots better than that. I am shooting with old eyes, benchrested, so likely the load shoots better than I can see the sights. If I shoot mostly X's with some tens that is good enough. I am sure that the pistol would shoot much better with the H&N bullet or Hornady bullet, but I am happy with this. dragon
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by dragon »

I have purchased "plated bullets" from 3 different manufacturers, and they are all undersized from what they are said to be. A .356 plated bullet which measures .3545 will not shoot accurately, but when I have asked why the bullets are small I am told that they are "withing specs". Plated bullets from Aimprojectiles measure to what they advertise.
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by ruig »

Hi morten!

Since two weeks we have GT9 in our family and I am searching for reloading data.

I calculated reloading data using your info. Did you measured the V0?

I want to load so precise and low powered as possible. But in the same time we have our local regulations and it is not allowed to compete with power factor less than 110.

Formula = FPS * GRAIN / 1000

If software calculation correct = 1140fps * 115gr. / 1000 = 131,1

Hm... I must try your load... at least as start point for my own research :-)
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Re: need reloading data for Pardini GT9 6 inch

Post by oldcaster »

If you want the least recoil that makes a typical power factor it is best to use the heaviest bullet possible. All of the 9mm cases are tapered internally and some brands taper closer to the end and will be more likely to swage your lead bullet down on the base and ruin accuracy so you might have to be choosy about which brand of case you use. Unfortunately the heavier the bullet, the deeper it has to be seated so a trade off is usually necessary. You can get an expander to make your cases bigger but you may be limited because of chamber size causing you to have alibis. When we expand 32 ACP cases they put quite a bulge in the bottom of the cases and often off center but it doesn't seem to affect accuracy or it is so little that it isn't noticeable. As far as which powder to use, it would vary depending on the bullet weight and what your individual gun happens to like and there are so many of them that would work. Your 231 will probably work fine. I always seem to have my best results with pistols when I use an alloy of around 8-9 BHN and a soft lube. Of course the softer the bullet the easier it is for a tight case to squish the bullet. Also nobody likes to use sticky soft lube because it gets all over everything. In other words what you need is one of the most difficult things to do with a lead bullet but I am sure it is quite possible with the gun you have as it is.
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