SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

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SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

Post by fc60 »


At the suggestion of our host, Scott Pilkington, I am requesting the help of anyone that has successfully torn down and assembled a P240 receiver.

The quest is to determine the step-by-step procedure to resetting all the little trigger screws.

i.e. Start with screw "A" and adjust so that trigger/hammer does something and turn screw 1/4 turn more/less.

Then progress to the next adjustment.

Bear in mind we both have the Factory Owner's Manual that offers little to no help in this matter.

Scott has offered to immortalize this procedure by adding it to the TenP files.

With kind regards,

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john bickar
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Re: SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

Post by john bickar »

If you and Scott can't figure it out between the two of you, I can only offer prayers to St. Chilton*.

* "Installation is the reverse of removal."
Jon Eulette
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Re: SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

Post by Jon Eulette »

'D' is only critical adjustment. It is sear engagement with hammer. The rest you set to what feels good to you. Obviously 'C' affects reset and only so much you can do there.

So I would set approx. sear engaement first then adjust other spring weights accordingly.
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Re: SIG-Haemmerli Assembly

Post by fc60 »

Greetings Jon,

A good start.

What are the parameters for adjustment?

i.e. Hold trigger back and move screw "D" until hammer falls then add/subtract 1/4 turn, or 1/8 turn.

Attached is the flow chart for the model 280 and, also, the SP-20 as an example of good documentation.


280.jpeg (39.97 KiB) Viewed 2369 times
280B.jpeg (33.34 KiB) Viewed 2369 times
Jon Eulette
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Re: SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

Post by Jon Eulette »

Dave I go by experience......what I want it to feel like. So I don't do any particular 1/4 turn etc until I get close to what I want. I know that doesn't help. For sear engagement I use Sharpie and blacken sear so I can see the engagement. The more engagement the more roll.
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Re: SIG_Haemmerli Assembly

Post by Leon »

Hi Dave, it may be worth your while reaching out to Doris Siebert of Roco Systems in Texas, A few years ago she able to help me out with some P240 dis-assembly instructions - showing she had deep understanding of P240 internals.
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