Unique DES-69 magazine catch?

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Unique DES-69 magazine catch?

Post by ric1911a1 »

Does anyone know just how the magazine catch on a DES-69 comes out of the frame? I can't tell for sure from what diagrams I can find.

I bought one a while back, had a set of Andrew Berryhill's 3-D grips made, then worked with a local gunsmith to create a scope mount. Went to the range to sight it in today, and found that the 2 magazines will not stay in the gun. It appears the release does not protrude into the frame far enough to hold the magazine securely.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Re: Unique DES-69 magazine catch?

Post by j-team »

Been about 20 years since I had one, but I'm sure the button just unscrews.
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Re: Unique DES-69 magazine catch?

Post by ric1911a1 »


You were correct, it just unscrewed, although it wasn't happy about it....... A friend and I modified the piece that holds the magazine in place and now it works fine.

Many thanks.

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