Pardini .22 Slide Lockback After Last Round_new suggestion

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Pardini .22 Slide Lockback After Last Round_new suggestion

Post by Dipnet »

For background info, see:

I modified a follower for a SPBE magazine as suggested. It was a pain to build but it worked. However, I did not use metal hard enough to repeatedly withstand bolt hitting it after last shot and the tab finally bent. However, I think it would work great if the entire follower were made of steel or quality aluminum. May need to increase spring tension in magazine to get it to function, but I think it will work. Just a thought for all the machinists out there. I'd buy one.

See my post: ... ck#p255176

However, a much simpler way would be to machine a follower from steel with the same length dimension as the factory magazine follower; see illustration. dipnet
Bolt lock back follower.jpg
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Re: Pardini .22 Slide Lockback After Last Round_new suggesti

Post by jbzeus »

What is do the Pardini people say about this mod? Specifically about pistol damage?
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Re: Pardini .22 Slide Lockback After Last Round_new suggesti

Post by j-team »

jbzeus wrote:What is do the Pardini people say about this mod? Specifically about pistol damage?
Probably they will say the same as most pistol shooters.

Why would you want to? The pistol work just fine as it is and holding open on the last shot changes the recoil characteristics of the last shot is not what a shooter needs or wants.
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Re: Pardini .22 Slide Lockback After Last Round_new suggesti

Post by Dipnet »

The idea is based on a suggestion by Robert Brown ( The key to making this work is hard steel. I found it a pain to make because the metal tab is quite small and you have to buy tiny screws to fix it to the follower. The modification worked for about 100+ rounds but began to pull out of the follower (very hard to "perminantly screw and glue something to that the type of plastic used in the Pardini follower).

In use, the bolt contacts the upper end of round and pushes it into the breach; after the last round, it rests against the vertical stop and remains open. I have no idea what Pardini would say about it (why don't you ask them?).

The original idea required beating out the depression at the top rear of magazine; the modified follower design would not require doing that; simply replace follower with new design. It would have to be made of steel and may require a stiffer magazine springs (or stretching old ones). There are lots of longer 22 mag springs available from Wolff Springs or Larry's Guns (Hammerli replacement springs). I am unsure about the exact height of vertical piece but it could be filed down if necessary.

I don't have the tools to make one. But the ideas is simple, ergo interesting.

I described my original attempt to make the modified follower at: ... ck#p255176

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