Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by jerber »

I had that problem with one of my magazine
I read somewhere that someone had the same issue
And started to oil/lubricate the magazine
I have been doing it since and no more problems
I only do it every couple of weeks depending on how I shoot
I use S&K standard plus
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by tceva »

Wow. Glad I found this thread. I was considering selling my MP95E. Colder temps seem to create more problems with the feeding. The firing pin position or some gumming (stickier in cooler temps) could be the savior for my pistol. Like others I have tried everything but addressing the firing pin. I really like the pistol, but have had enough of the feeding issues.
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by CraigB5940 »

I've been lucky, I've been shooting mine for 19 years, I've run about 25K rounds through it, Aguila SV, SK STD Plus, SK Magazine and CCI SV. Maybe had 1 or 2 malfunctioins per 5K rounds until I got into the latest case of CCI SV. Now I'm getting about 1 out of 100.

I switched back to SK Magazine and all is well. The latest case of CCI SV has some quality issues, I can light dimples on some of the case walls. I think the case should have failed QC. I's sticking to SK STD Plus and SK Magazine from now on.
Craig B
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by RoyalWulff »

Hi all,

I haven’t found the true cause or fix of this issue. I do live in a colder climate (New Hampshire) and can see a possible correlation between the frequency of this problem and lower temps but I did deal with this issue in 80+ degree weather this summer as well.

I have found what I believe will work as my solution! I purchased a pack of aluminum 22lr dummy rounds. I keep one of these rounds in each of the afflicted magazines as a mock last round. It works out perfectly for bullseye shooting as these are 6 round mags. Because the feeding issue only happens with the last round, this fools my gun and saves me the dreaded 4 shot alibis in timed and rapid fire. I haven’t had a misfeed issue in a couple hundred rounds and, interestingly enough, that includes the feeding of the dummy 6th round. After my 5th round is fired the dummy loads and I eject it and put it right back into the magazine. These rounds are made for gun safety training I believe and are not intended for dry firing although they will take a couple of firing pin strikes if you have trouble counting your shots fired.

Rest assured if my Benelli wises up to my trickery and starts acting up again I will post an update but for now this is how I will be proceeding. I initially had thought about loading an extra live round but that seemed like a bad idea as I could potentially fire an extra shot or, more likely, I could have a difficult time remembering that there was a 6th round chambered when my 5 shot string had ended. Also, the range officer directs you to load with 5 rounds so 6 would technically be against the rules.
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by -TT- »

Good solution, and it definitely points to a mag issue/quirk. I'd guess that the shape and mass of the dummy round are less prone to get mis-fed. Still, this shouldn't be needed. Maybe there's a slight altitude issue with the mag catch, or the trigger module itself, just enough to make that last round go wonky.

Hey, maybe you could just glue the dummy to the follower, then the bolt will bang into it and stay open on the final round! Ok, maybe not. :-)
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by tceva »

My .02. Last Sat. outside I had a the final round out of each mag fail to feed 5 or 6 times, until I got disgusted, and left. Last night same ammo (tach-22) never missed a lick. The only difference was inside vs outside. About 20 degrees in air temp. Out of habit I smear a half a drop of synthetic oil on the first round of 2 mags when I start. No more after that. I do run a 25 cal brush in the chamber at the start as well. ???? Could it be only Temp??
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Re: Benelli MP95E Feeding Issues

Post by 10M_Stan »

Colder temperatures will make oil thicken. I've read from maintenance sources that the MP Benelli's like thin oil. Some TSI-301 may be a good alternative for some spots but not the magazine follower (not recommended for plastics). I would consider a light low temperature silicone grease, such as Dow 33 (used in airguns and paintball o-rings) for the plastic magazine follower. Of course, this is a statement from a stranger on an internet message board who has not actually done this - so YMMV.

Edit: actually, I've done this now. I have used Dow 33 on the magazine follower, but 10W (ISO 32) machine spindle oil on the firing pin. Not a fan of the roll pin magazine disassembly. I found the MP Benelli lubrication guide by Doug White is very useful:
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