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Bullet Points

Post by NSSF »

Vol. 4 No. 36 September 8, 2003


For only the second time in 10 years, attendance at the Grand American broke 7,000 with the help of the NSSF's Scholastic Clay Target Program as a total of 7,199 shooters competed this year. The last time this happened was in 1999 when over 7,800 shooters took part in the centennial celebration. This year SCTP helped set a new youth attendance record of 1,239 (920 SCTP shooters and 319 non-SCTP affiliated youth) which accounted for an astounding 17.2% of the total number of shooters. "This year's attendance numbers for the Grand are a perfect example of how a partnership like the one between NSSF and the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) can lead to positive growth in the shooting sports," said Scott Moore, director, promotions & special events. "With the help and support from the ATA we have introduced trapshooting to thousands of young adults — and their family members — who have embraced the sport and begun a lifelong pursuit."

DEALERS BEWARE . . . The National Association of Firearms Retailers is warning FFLs, especially those with their own Web sites on the Internet, to be wary of offers to purchase large quantities of rifle scopes, other optics or high quality goods, when the purchaser requests to pay with a credit card and receive the delivery overseas. In at least once instance, shipment was made, then the credit card transaction was cancelled, with no possibility of recalling the shipment. The dealer lost $13,000 and prosecution or recovery of the goods appears impossible. Dealers are urged to comply with both United States export regulations and manufacturer's export restrictions and be sure to secure payment before transferring products outside the country.
NASR & WISCONSIN DNR OFFER SHOOTING RANGE CLINIC . . . Partnering with the NSSF's National Association of Shooting Ranges, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is hosting a seminar for shooting range owners and operators to address critical issues facing ranges. The seminar will focus on the many advances made in the last five years, protecting ranges, new technologies and best management practices. The seminar will be held Saturday, September 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point. For more information contact Tim Lawhern at 608-266-2621.
CSF HOLDS NATIONAL STATE CAUCUS CONFERENCE . . . The first Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation National Conference of State Sportsmen's Caucuses will wrap up September 9 at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation outside of Chicago. State legislators and sportsmen's representatives from eight states will be in attendance to discuss sportsmen's issues. Sponsored by the Hunting and Shooting Sports Heritage Foundation, Illinois Sportsmen's Legislative Caucus, Illinois NRA state committee, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation and Coastal Conservation Association, this conference will set the precedent for an annual gathering of state legislators and state wildlife agency representatives to meet, discuss and set goals for advancing hunting and fishing in their states.
CSF'S ANNUAL BANQUET IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER . . . The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation's annual banquet and auction on September 24 is shaping up to be the largest CSF event yet. This year's auction features a wide array of trips and sporting equipment and all proceeds go to support the valuable work CSF does on behalf of sportsmen and women. For more information about the banquet and auction items visit the CSF Web site or contact Karen McDonald at (202) 543-6850. Seats, and corporate tables, are still available but will go fast.
AVIS DISCOUNTS FOR NSSF MEMBERS . . . Members get 10% off standard rates, a coupon for $15 off a weekly rental and a coupon for a free weekend day. They can also request a complimentary enrollment in Avis' Preferred Service. Contact Shane Hotchkiss at (203) 426-1320.
QDMA GETS NEW PR DIRECTOR . . . C.J. Davis has taken a position with the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) as director of public relations. Davis previously was the public relations manager with Mossy Oak. "Although he will be missed within the Mossy Oak family, I am confident that C.J. will serve QDMA well in his new capacity, and as a QDMA board member, I'll still have the pleasure of working with him regularly," said Darrell Daigre, executive vice president of marketing for Mossy Oak.
MIFFED IN MASS, RIPPED BY ROMNEY . . . "However you slice it, the outdoors is getting the thin slice of Massachusetts revenues after the state's designated wildlife and land acquisition funds were, in effect, ripped off by that state's legislature. As one reporter wrote last week: The Inland Fish and Game Fund and the land acquisition fund are no more," writes Jim Shepherd in today's edition of The Outdoor Wire.
GRASS ROOTS ACTIVISTS CONVENE IN TEXAS . . . Houston is where the 18th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will take place September 26 through 28th at the George Bush International Airport Marriott Hotel. Firearms rights proponents from around the states will gather to compare notes on activities in their local communities and learn about national issues. Participants will hear this year from NRA President Wayne LaPierre along with other figures leading the way in protecting America's shooting and hunting heritage.
TIP O' THE HAT . . . An extra "thank you" goes to NSSF distributor member AcuSport this week for not only supporting the "Save Our Industry" Web campaign, but also putting a link on its Internet site to the National Hunting and Fishing Day page promoting September 27 as the 32nd annual celebration of this day recognizing the contribution America's hunters and anglers make to conservation.
SAVE-YOUR-SPORT WEB CAMPAIGN . . . Webmasters at a number of sites operated by shooting clubs and other organizations not directly involved in manufacturing or selling shooting products have asked about joining the effort to pass Senate 659, and we're glad they did. Join the campaign to pass this important legislation by adding the appropriate logo to your Web site, Save Our Industry, Save Your Sport, or Save Your Job by checking out http://www.heritagefund.org/stickers/index.cfm, and place the appropriate message on your site. Distributors Valor and Sports South have the Save Our Industry logo on their Web sites . Shouldn't your Web site be among those helping concerned consumers and industry members write their U.S. Senators in support of S. 659?

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