Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

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Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Xman »

I am considering joining one of two clubs. One has no 50yd allowance, has 25yd and is a real bargain and has staffing. The other club has both 25 and 50 yd berms, but the club gives me the hibijibbies as the club has no RO on duty and is 33% more.

Just how important are sight changes between 25 and 50 yds using a sight like a truglo/5moa or a BSA model?

The sight in question will be mounted on a Browning Buckmark with a full length rail. Not sure if its a weaver or a picatinny rail. Will take to a gun store later before I buy the sight and join either club.

Christopher Miceli
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Christopher Miceli »

I'm 1 clicking with an ultradot 4moa from 50 to 25. 2 clicks with a ultradot 2moa. 4 clicks with an Aimpoint 2moa. All with a 22lr. The only thing you'll be missing is the challenge of shooting at 50yards. While the 25yard reduced and 50ft are very difficult some would say more than the standard 50 yard, there isn't a substitute for shooting at 50.

I would opt for the 25yard club thats cheaper if it's closer to you and you'll visit more often. For the 45 depending on loads it can very drastic sight adjustments for 50 to 25.

Also range construction impacts sight club I go to I'm off 4 clicks from my normal because the Range is uphill from the firing point
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by ghillieman »

Xman, I live 30 minutes north of you. Skip those other clubs and come shoot bullseye at Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club, every 4th Sunday starts at 9am. Also check out Texas Precision Pistol Network on facebook. Hope to see you around.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Xman »

Both clubs are about the same distance from me so that does not enter into the equation. FYI I only shoot the .22 phase.
Christopher Miceli wrote:I'm 1 clicking with an ultradot 4moa from 50 to 25. 2 clicks with a ultradot 2moa. 4 clicks with an Aimpoint 2moa. All with a 22lr. The only thing you'll be missing is the challenge of shooting at 50yards. While the 25yard reduced and 50ft are very difficult some would say more than the standard 50 yard, there isn't a substitute for shooting at 50.

I would opt for the 25yard club thats cheaper if it's closer to you and you'll visit more often. For the 45 depending on loads it can very drastic sight adjustments for 50 to 25.

Also range construction impacts sight club I go to I'm off 4 clicks from my normal because the Range is uphill from the firing point
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Xman »

YesI have shot at Terrell a few times. Not in 2 years though. Been concentrating on AP. I DO plan to get to Terrell after I get my sights figured out. I hate shooting up frames..LOL

I need a local place to shoot and practice when not at Terrell.
ghillieman wrote:Xman, I live 30 minutes north of you. Skip those other clubs and come shoot bullseye at Terrell Rifle and Pistol Club, every 4th Sunday starts at 9am. Also check out Texas Precision Pistol Network on facebook. Hope to see you around.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by motorcycle_dan »

While I don't know what you like as far as a club but I prefer a club without a RO. Rarely is there a problem and that makes EVERYONE on the range a range officer.

You mentioned you shoot .22 only. I think that is a good thing. Get yourself up to master scores with a .22 and save a bunch of time/money/effort in trying to achieve that with bigger bore. You should shoot a .45 exactly the same as you shoot a .22, the technique is the same.

While the Browning Buckmark is not a high end pistol, it should get you to at least expert level. There are many good tube type dot scopes on the market. I prefer the long tube of the 1" ultradot. But you can find cheaper dots that work just fine. I purchased a couple of Millett 1x20 dots recently and they work fine. Actually mounted one on a buckmark for a friend. Will it last as long as an aimpoint micro. NOPE but it will likely work well for the most part until it does not. At the low end of the price range you can afford to get a couple. I always turn the knob clockwise. Rather than going back and forth, go all way round back to zero to tun it off.

Spend most of your shooting budget on ammo, range time and going to matches. That is always the best way to get comfortable shooting ever smaller groups.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by ghillieman »

What two clubs were you looking at?
mr alexander
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by mr alexander »

motorcycle_dan wrote: I always turn the knob clockwise. Rather than going back and forth, go all way round back to zero to tun it off.

Any particular reason as to why this practice is followed? Is this maneuver recommended with any brand of red dot sight?

Curious minds want to know. Thanks!
JD Mahan
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by JD Mahan »


I'm really glad you asked this, I assumed everybody but me knew why
mr alexander wrote:
motorcycle_dan wrote: I always turn the knob clockwise. Rather than going back and forth, go all way round back to zero to tun it off.

Any particular reason as to why this practice is followed? Is this maneuver recommended with any brand of red dot sight?

Curious minds want to know. Thanks!
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Rover »

Go with the club that actually shoots (has matches) in the discipline you like, otherwise you'll be shooting with the hopeless spray and pray crowd. You have to run with the big dogs if you want to improve.

BTW The NRA now allows you to shoot an entire 2700 with a .22. Except for the 1st 900, you will only be competing with others who do the same.

With a red dot I make no changes going to 50 from 25 yds.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Xman »

Rover wrote:Go with the club that actually shoots (has matches) in the discipline you like, otherwise you'll be shooting with the hopeless spray and pray crowd. You have to run with the big dogs if you want to improve.

BTW The NRA now allows you to shoot an entire 2700 with a .22. Except for the 1st 900, you will only be competing with others who do the same.

With a red dot I make no changes going to 50 from 25 yds.

None of these 2 facilities have organized shoots. Closest to me is Terrell, then, Greenville?, then Dallas Pistol Club for the "bigdogs" I would imagine. Dallas is a good two hours for me, so Terrell and Greenville are the best options with am occasional Dallas possible.

I do need to get the info on the Greenville location, etc.

The wild card option WAS Whitcha Falls, but the communications I had with them said " we only let juniors shoot .22's exclusively" despite running a NRA match. That series of communications got me bounced from TT for a week.

Water under the bridge now.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by Dipnet »

Check your sight directions. My Aimpoint and Matchdot II state the POI per click is 0.125" at 25 yards and 0.25" at 50 yards (info taped in range box). When using a new load, I pull out the ol' "no lie" fishing tape, measure the distance to X-ring and make corresponding adjustments (second shots are usually very close). These sight change adjustments are just estimates as they don't know the velocity or bullet weight, but are a decent rule of thumb.
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Re: Click/sight values 25 vs 50 yd

Post by ghillieman »

No club in Greenville shoots bullseye pistol, it's IDPA.

Last match in Dallas was 11/2016. No more matches there until a new match director steps up.

Terrell shoots a non-registered 1800 with 50 yard slowfire and turning targets at 25. You can shoot .22 for both matches there. 4th Sunday.

Austin has a registered 2700 with 50 yard slowfire and turning targets at 25 yards. 3rd Sunday.

Houston has a registered 2700 with 50 yard slowfire and turning targets at 25 yards. 4th Sunday.

Join Texas Precision Pistol Network on facebook to keep in touch with the other clubs and shooters. You can find matches on
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