Pardini GT45 (.45 Auto) ammo choice

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Pardini GT45 (.45 Auto) ammo choice

Post by bsp001 »

Anyone have any suggestions or has good experience with a particular ammo for Pardini GT45 in .45 Auto?

I have had good results with Fiocchi Black Mamba 185gr FMJTC and Geco 230gr JHP.

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Re: Pardini GT45 (.45 Auto) ammo choice

Post by fc60 »


I had one several years ago. It was very fussy when shooting a bullet with a pronounced shoulder. The ejected round would catch on the shoulder causing a malfunction.

I did shoot some Remington Factory 185 TargetMaster ammo with no problems.

PardiniUSA suggest using a bullet with a "truncated nose" if loading with cast bullets.

The groove diameter on my pistol was 0.450" with eight lands.


machinist mike
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Re: Pardini GT45 (.45 Auto) ammo choice

Post by machinist mike »

I have been using the zero 185gr lead semi wadcutter hollow point (LSWHP). My load is 5.3 gr Winchester WST and the OAL set at 1.250, and I use a taper crimp die setting the crimp at .470. Feeds well, fits in the magazine, and has good accuracy.
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Re: Pardini GT45 (.45 Auto) ammo choice

Post by Zipp0 »

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

I had one several years ago. It was very fussy when shooting a bullet with a pronounced shoulder. The ejected round would catch on the shoulder causing a malfunction.

I did shoot some Remington Factory 185 TargetMaster ammo with no problems.

PardiniUSA suggest using a bullet with a "truncated nose" if loading with cast bullets.

The groove diameter on my pistol was 0.450" with eight lands.


Interesting, I had the same problem but it was cured by making the rounds hotter
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