Do we have any Italian members?

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Do we have any Italian members?

Post by jenrick »

I'm looking to get a few spare for my FAS 602 pistol, but Domino wants to charge over $150 for shipping. The actual parts are worth a grand total of about $20. If anyone is based in Italy and would be willing to ship them to the US I'd be grateful. With that said I have no idea if that's a violation of Italian law, so PLEASE don't get yourself in trouble trying to help me out. I know it's perfectly legal here in the US to receive them, I just don't know about Italy. So if it's possible and some is willing, please PM me and we can work out a deal.

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Re: Do we have any Italian members?

Post by divingin »

Shouldn't need to limit yourself to Italy, as the EU is still (sort of) in business. Depends on where you can find spares though.
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Re: Do we have any Italian members?

Post by jenrick »

True, but I figured if Domino was going to be crazy on shipping, folks in Italy would probably be the least likely to be hosed over.

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Re: Do we have any Italian members?

Post by fc60 »


I have had excellent service from Domino/FAS in Italy.

They shipped my parts via DHL for about 30 Euros.


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Re: Do we have any Italian members?

Post by jenrick »

They advised they no longer us normal channels and instead use a specific shipper who charges insanely high rates.
Please note: From March 10, 2017 all shipments, will be carried exclusively by GLS shipper. We are sorry we cannot ship by post. Import licence is not required from you.

1- 0107 Firing pin € 18.- total 18,00
5- 0347 Buffer clips € 8.10 total 40,50
10- 0052 rubber pad € 9,90 total 49,50

Shipment USA € 105 total 105,00
Total to paypal € 213,00-

Delivery time TWO days
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Re: Do we have any Italian members?

Post by fc60 »


Your quotation is shocking.

I cannot understand why they would gouge the shooters so much.


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