FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

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FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

Post by COBelties »

My dad was talking with another shooter and they have been having a tremendous issue with consistent shot patterns from their 800. Basically every 12-15th shot throws wide. Has anyone else had a similar issue or solved a similar problem? from what I understand he benched it and tested through it, so shooting perfect tens then would throw a 7-8 wide. Maybe regulator issue? Hes a rather, in my opinion, accomplished shooter so I don't think its the Indian...so to say.

I'm curious since we own an 800 and would like to be able to know in advance if we encounter a similar issue, and be able to help a fellow shooter out as well. Thanks.

Tim S
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Post by Tim S »

Is everything tighened properly? A friend had inconsistent groups with a new Anschutz 8002, and was deeply embarrased when he found the stock bolts were loose. Ditto check the foresight mount, extension tube etc.

As an aside would a fauly regulator cause wide shots? I can understand how this could cause vertical stringing due to variation in pellet velocity/trajectory, but not horiziontal fliers.
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Post by COBelties »

Thanks as always! I'd agree with you on the regulator, I guess I didnt think that through logically. I'll ask him if hes gone through the tightening and maintenance and just make sure to double check, ,sometimes it the easiets little things you never think about!
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Post by justadude »

I am with Tim on this, when you you say "wide" I interpret that as in the 3 o clock to 9 o clock directions. It would not seem a faulty regulator would do this. Now, 6 to 12 would be a different story. Does anyone have access to a chronograph just to make absolute sure?

I have a 800 with about 6000 pellets through it now and have never had any issues. It does have quite the system of bridges for sight elevation and side to side adjustment with plenty of screws so I would get out the allen wrenches and start checking there first. (Note particularly the rear sight is mounted to a bridge that is mounted to a bridge. Counting the screws that hold the dovetail to the upper bridge there are 10 fasteners involved before you mount the rear sight.) The front sight is almost as involved.

Good luck with it.

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FWB 800

Post by smckenna03 »


I am pretty sure I am the guy who is being talked about. I bought the 800 new from ISS in Texas, after only a month or so of training since I got it in Nov. 2012 I had to have it worked on. It would recoil and make the shot move after I pulled the trigger, had this confirmed by a US National team member who shot it and was also seeing the same result. To date I have had it serviced more then 6 times just to keep it useable for accuracy.

I am not sure if it is a regulator or a bad barrel, but when you are training and shoot a string of shots above 10.5 and then it will shoot a 8.2 at 6 O'Clock or 12 O'Clock, now I am not the best shooter in the world, however I know what a 10 looks like and what a 8 looks like.

In the testing rig I have only been able to get a 7.4 as the smallest group size for 10 shots. I really don't like the design of the rifle because you have to have it in three pieces to get to the adjustments you need to get to. when in the rest the sights are not an issues, I torque the screws down with a AHG torque wrench.

I have talked to other shooters who have the 800 and none have had a good experience with them. I don't care what is wrong in the end I just want a rifle that will shoot.

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Post by RobinC »

I see so many undiagnosed problems end up on the forums and even more theories emerge and contacting the dealer or agent is often not very productive either as they often think what its going to cost them rather than a will to sort it.
My advice is simple, work out your international times and phone Germany, the factory techs will know what the problem is and will resolve it for you.
Good luck
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Post by smckenna03 »

Hi Robin,

I have been in contact with FWB and to date no answer after waiting over 2 weeks, I keep email them and they say they will get back to me as soon as possible.

I am not trying to hurt the FWB brand name, just letting you know what I am going through just trying to get my rifle shooting and after paying $3400 for it I would expect it to last more then a year.

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Post by JSBmatch »

I wonder if its the Recoil absorber which is from their air pistol range, its supposed to be more efficient but the problem could be there, there is an adjustment you can do if its gone out of spec. Follow procedure in owners hand book.

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Re: FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

Post by abrasivereshaping »

smckenna03 wrote:Hi,

I am pretty sure I am the guy who is being talked about. I bought the 800 new from ISS in Texas, after only a month or so of training since I got it in Nov. 2012 I had to have it worked on. It would recoil and make the shot move after I pulled the trigger, had this confirmed by a US National team member who shot it and was also seeing the same result. To date I have had it serviced more then 6 times just to keep it useable for accuracy.

I am not sure if it is a regulator or a bad barrel, but when you are training and shoot a string of shots above 10.5 and then it will shoot a 8.2 at 6 O'Clock or 12 O'Clock, now I am not the best shooter in the world, however I know what a 10 looks like and what a 8 looks like.

In the testing rig I have only been able to get a 7.4 as the smallest group size for 10 shots. I really don't like the design of the rifle because you have to have it in three pieces to get to the adjustments you need to get to. when in the rest the sights are not an issues, I torque the screws down with a AHG torque wrench.

I have talked to other shooters who have the 800 and none have had a good experience with them. I don't care what is wrong in the end I just want a rifle that will shoot.

Has anyone heard of the problem with this rifle? I'm having the same issues with my son's rifle.

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Re: FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

Post by dc.fireman »

Call Shawn McKenna and ask him!


He's a super great guy to deal with, and easy to talk to...
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Re: FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

Post by abrasivereshaping »

dc.fireman wrote:Call Shawn McKenna and ask him!


He's a super great guy to deal with, and easy to talk to...
I tried twice yesterday and left 2 messages and tried again today 2 more times. Must be busy
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Re: FWB 800 Regulator Issue?

Post by Ltdave »

FWB= recoil absorber issues
Anschutz= o-ring failures

pick your poison...
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