Smith and Wesson Model 41

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Smith and Wesson Model 41

Post by holmqer »

These guns seem almost impossible to find new, any suggestions on how to get a new one?
Fortitudo Dei
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Re: Smith and Wesson Model 41

Post by Fortitudo Dei »

If your heart is really set on a Model 41, contact S&W BUT though it is well made, the Model 41 is very over-priced for what it is. It costs $1350 to $1600 depending on the version (one of which isn't ISSF compliant) for a gun designed 60+ years ago that has a rudimentary grip, rudimentary sights and a non-adjustable trigger. Trigger weight is well over the 1000 gram limit, ranging from 1250g to a whopping 1475g depending on how the assembling gunsmith was feeling on the day. A used Model 41 in good condition and a good price is a great entry-level pistol for new shooters but if you really want to buy new, beg / borrow / save another $850 to take you $2200 which should be enough to get a Pardini SP which is better than a Model 41 in almost every respect.
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Re: Smith and Wesson Model 41

Post by Rover »

Oh, BS! There are lots of M41s floating around out there. I've been using the same one for thirty years, with one trip back to S&W.

Just snoop, or put wanted ad on TT. They're cheap enough. You don't need a new one.
Mike M.
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Re: Smith and Wesson Model 41

Post by Mike M. »

I agree with both of you. A new Model 41 is overpriced for what you are getting...but the older guns are a good buy.
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