Carpal Tunnel & CMP ACES

A place to discuss non-discipline specific items, such as mental training, ammo needs, and issues regarding ISSF, USAS, and NRA

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Carpal Tunnel & CMP ACES

Post by dronning »

Well I enjoyed the CMP ACES matches, my score improved every match, I used the matches to help me focus on my training and recovery from carpal tunnel surgery.

Last year I was shooting in the high 540's my scores started to drop as my carpal tunnel got worse and I lost more feeling in my fingertips so it was time for surgery. Did my right hand first and my left 5 months later. AP scores started to climb about a month after my right hand surgery. I am now shooting in the mid to high 550's and expect to be in the mid 560's by spring.

I did make one mistake in recovery and that was going back to shooting bullseye 45 too early. I developed anticipation (flinch), I had to back off. My sustained fire scores are now back and my slow fire scores are almost there. I fully expect to qualify Master in bullseye this year.

Both hands feel great and I can pick a penny off the counter again!

- Dave
Certified Safety Instructor: Rifle & Pistol
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Re: Carpal Tunnel & CMP ACES

Post by BigAl »

I'm glad you are going better. I have M.E. and one of the long term issues is Peripheral Neuropathy, so I know about the not being able to pick a penny off the table. I used to build electronics projects, but had to pretty much give it up as I cannot handle the components anymore. There is no cure for mine unfortunately. I guess I'm lucky that 40 odd years of muscle memory has meant that I am still able to manage a 2oz trigger on two stage air and smallbore rifles.

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