Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

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Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

Post by ser2711 »

Could you tell me if many shooters at Camp Perry (the US National Championship) use Bo-Mar ribs on 1911 to add some balance weight?
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Re: Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

Post by Rover »

I had one with an extended front sight. I was happy with it, but sold it with the gun. I did it for the sight length, not the weight.
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Re: Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911


ser2711 wrote:Could you tell me if many shooters at Camp Perry (the US National Championship) use Bo-Mar ribs on 1911 to add some balance weight?
Fewer each year. BoMar closed a few years ago, and more shooters are using red dot sights.
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Re: Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

Post by Misny »

If one is using a 1911 with iron sights, and shooting under NRA rules, then by all means, a Bo Mar or similar rib helps not only to reduce recoil, but has excellent repeatable windage and elevation adjustments. As has been said, though, red dot scopes have been dominating the matches for several years now. One good thing is that if you have a Bo Mar rib, there are many slide mounted scope bases, i.e. Clark Custom, Rock River, etc. that have the same hole pattern as the Bo Mar rib, so switching over to a red dot scope requires little effort.
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Re: Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

Post by perazzi »

With the advent of Dot's there's no practical reason for the BoMar rib.

If your going to use irons, the EIC rules are pretty wide open now but specifically do not allow the BoMar ribs.

But, if your intent on shooting iron sights, and not worry about shooting EIC matches, they are one of the best setups around.
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Re: Bo-Mar rib on Colt 1911

Post by ser2711 »

Thank you for the interesting information.. in Italy Dot's not allowed.. only open sight.. I have a Bo.Mar rib installed on my 1911 .45 ,but for Centerfire competition I use now a .38 Colt National match MK III..I am in doubt now to install a Bo-Mar rib.. advantage is sure on stability but is also a "sacrilege" for the gun..
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