Back into Bullseye and load advice

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Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by ShooterinVA »


In the '80's I couldn't get enough of Bullseye shooting. Every weekend, many mornings before work I'd even drive to the range for some quick practice. You get the picture--nuts.

Fast forward, new job, daughter, much more golf and fishing and you know the story; dust gathers on the ol' target guns---and sadly, I let my scoped Steve Woods wad gun go. (If the buyer is reading this--please consider selling it back to me!). I still am pretty good with the .22's; Pardini SP from Nygord, Giles Ruger, and an early Marvel conversion unit.

My heavy slide Giles .45 has no scope and that's okay; I'm determined to get the proper Rx for my eyes to keep shooting irons. In fact, just last night I picked up some low power reading glasses and they already seem to be a great improvement! I'm pumped!!

So today I started digging through my old reloading stuff and found a lb of Hodgdon Clays and a lb of Vitavhouri 310. I've got a ton of brass and good on Win primers, plenty of both, 180gn and 200 gn lead swc, 500 Nosler 185 HP too. I Still have a Dillon Square deal so getting ready to load!

As it's been a few years; can you recommend some loads with these powders? I seem to recall about 4.5 of the Clays behind the lead and I think the Vitavhouri was the powder for the Nosler 185 years ago.

I'm heading to my first 2700 next week in Annapolis and hopefully one more before Perry--to get reclassified. Thanks in advance; love reading all the posts; before all the social media and great forums like this I was only reading Gil Hebard's Pistol Shooters Treasury!! Thanks in advance.

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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by jmdavis »

Consider contacting Dr. Alan Toler in Richmond for Rx. He is triple distinguished and an active Bullseye shooter. There are April through October 2700 matches (except July) at Cavalier in Montpelier, fairfax Rod and gun, and down in Norfolk too. There are also some summer 2700 matches at Rivanna in Charlottesville. Rivanna has Wednesday day matches and Wednesday night matches (900's 2nd and 4th Wed.) for members and guests.

Good luck.
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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by GunRunner »

4.0 of bullseye,tight group, clays, v-310, will power a good 185 or 200 lswc into the x ring from a good gun,
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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by tenx9 »

I find you have to push the jacketed bullets a little faster. My 200g lead load is 4.1 Bullseye while my 50 yard 185 jacketed load is 4.6 Bullseye. It will shoot about 2" @ 50 yards when the bbl was new. Nice part is, NO sight change both will shoot dead on. A nice plus for sure.
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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by Rover »

Whatever you can recall from your old data will have to do. You know it worked.

I trust you'll be going to Canton for the old backslappers and beer swilling matches before Perry.

Look for the Arizona experienced and knowledgeable group. They'll help you out.

You DO reload in your motel, don't you?
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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by Ttgoods »

VV 310 or Bullseye 3.8/3.9 tightest group,from my guns.

3.6 should be nice shooting for the short line and keep you in the 80s long line.

HPLSWC 185gn, 200 gn LSWC


VV310 or Bullseye 4.5gn 185 zero, 4.2 absolute lowest but needs 4.5 to print.

I would go with 3.6 until your scores go up and I am not sure how many Masters are actually shooting mid range loads for the long short.
Mike M.
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Re: Back into Bullseye and load advice

Post by Mike M. »

+1 on Dr. Toler. Let me put it this way...I use him for my glasses - and am willing to drive two hours each way for an appointment.

He's got a prescription-by-mail kit you can rent at, I highly recommend it.
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