S&W mod 59

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S&W mod 59

Post by OlavM »

Hello Gents
Picked up a Smith&Wesson mod 59 cal 9mm today. They are rare here in Norway, and the first one I have ever seen.
I liked the pistol, the grip suits me well and the trigger was crisp and without any creep. Doubleaction also very good.
But what kind of accuracy can I expeckt from this gun( servicepistolaccuracy?) So far just tested 10 rounds to check the function. And the pistol have a aluminiumframe, any concern because of that?
Finish 80%,payed 160 dollar for it, and got 1900 9mm rounds and 300 30.06 for free.
mr alexander
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Re: S&W mod 59

Post by mr alexander »


The Model 59 was designed as a high capacity service pistol for the law enforcement market. As such it would offer service grade

accuracy as you had suspected. I would guess that with good ammo it would shoot around 4 inch groups at 25 yards. I don't

think anyone has or ever would use one in formal competition events. Some aluminum framed pistols have barrels that feature

fully ramped and supported chambers. With this design, the bullets of the cartridges never contact any part of the aluminum

frame during the feeding cycle. Instead, they only contact the steel feed ramp of the barrel. This is done to minimize wear.

Never have seen or held a 59, so I can't tell you if it was designed in this manner or not.
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Re: S&W mod 59

Post by Spencer »

I used a #59 for the Australian Service Pistol events back in the 80s - very reliable and at 50yards it could hold the 100mm 10-ring:
* I tried everything from 110 to 160gr projectiles, but ended up using 125gr 2r.
* getting the required accuracy took a lot of fiddling with reloads and 'accurising' the pistol; but it can be done.
* be careful with a two handed hold as that short barrel can singe (or worse) any finger that gets too close to the muzzle.
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Re: S&W mod 59

Post by OlavM »

Had some rangetime with the 59 today, and the accuracy is very poor. Out of 5 shots, 3 could be whitin 3" at 27 yrds, but 2 shots could be 10-15 " away from the others. Tried over and over again, same result. The barrel show some wear inside, as if there have been shot corrosive ammo without proper cleaning. Slide to frame fit is ok, but barrel to slide fit is not good, and the barrel have some play in the bushing. I don`t think it`s wort to put money in it trying to get better accuracy. Bad, beacause i liked the pistol, Nice grip, soft recoil and one of the best triggers I have seen on an autopistol.
My Sig Sauer 210 Super Target is still the King in my gunsafe..
( haven`t tried with overzized bullets yet, somtimes .358 bullets can be a cure i wornout barrels, if the chamber accept it)
Thx for the replies gents.
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