Thin Target Tearing fix.

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Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by spektr »

When you're out of Kreugers, clip a manila file folder to the carrier and hang the targets on it. You get clean round holes.
Works on American Targets with my 777 Daisy
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Re: Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by montster »

Another tip.

Put a piece of masking tape or painters tape on the backside of the bull. The area you taped is stiffened up nicely. Holes become reasonably clean in that area.
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Re: Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by Misny »

Is the manila folder backing any better than cardboard?
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Re: Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by dronning »

Before I shoot at my Kreuger targets I print 4 targets on the back, then I just flip it over and get a total of 5 targets verses 1. It cuts down the costs a bunch. - see attached.

- Dave
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Re: Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by Gwhite »

The MIT team uses 5-bull strips from Kruger. We used to get Edelmann 5-bull strips from Pilkguns, but Edelmann stopped making them. Kruger USA doesn't carry them, so we ordered 5 thousand from Germany. That worked out to 1.5 cents a bullseye. I wouldn't recommend ordering quite that many at once. We just got under the shipping weight limit, and the carton arrived ripped to shreds with targets leaking out. If enough people start asking about these, I bet Kruger USA would start carrying them.

The team has been taking the strips & cutting the bulleyes out into individual squares. You can then take a fired target & cut a pair of diagonal slits at 1:30 & 7:30 in the 6 ring that you can tuck the corners of the bulleyes into. Because the students don't always keep their shots in the black, this minimizes the work involved in creating the "holder" target, but it requires chopping up the strips.

There are a couple of other approaches that eliminate cutting up the strips. You can then just slide the strip over one bull once it is shot up. For example, a pair of vertical slits on either side in the middle of the 6 ring will work, aided by a paperclip to hold the target from sagging when it is sticking out on one side. The downside is that the plain border of the individual bullseyes will cover up some of the 5/6 rings. You can even avoid that if you get a bit fancier:


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Re: Thin Target Tearing fix.

Post by spektr »

I think the manilla folders are better than cardboard. They are stiffer and support the target well. You get boxes of them at walmart for virtually nothing.
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