Powder - When have you seen any?

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Powder - When have you seen any?

Post by matchguy »

I'm lucky as I have enough powder & 22's to last a bit. How long has it been since anyone had any pistol powder ie. 231, Bullseye, #2, Zip etc? Does it come out every once in a while or has it just not been available at all since the crisis (this one) begun? I've asked this to the mail order companies and they won't answer it.

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There is also a powder shortage in Canada

Post by mld »

We haven't seen any Alliant powder in over a year. I've run out of Bullseye and have been using VV N310.

The rumour in Canada was that all the powder was being bought in the US so there was none left to ship to us.
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Post by Misny »

I happened to be in a gun shop a couple of months ago when a shipment of reloading supplies came in. While they were stocking the shelves a man came in and took two 8 lb. jugs of Bullseye off the floor and took them to the register. There was no way in the world that he was going to use that much Bullseye. We are the problem. Gun owners are huge rumor mongers and are paranoid to the nth degree. This is nothing new. I remember back many years ago with the rumor of primer that were going to be made with a limited shelf life, so they would go bad at a certain time. Of course, the rumor was false, but people starting hoarding primers and there was a shortage for quite some time. Later, some folks who had bought tens of thousands of them at inflated prices were trying to unload them.
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Post by dronning »

Misny wrote:....... While they were stocking the shelves a man came in and took two 8 lb. jugs of Bullseye off the floor and took them to the register. There was no way in the world that he was going to use that much Bullseye.
Don't be in a rush to judge him, that could have easily been me or one of my buddies we all carry a shopping list for what the others are looking for and 16lbs of Bullseye wouldn't cover the needs for the season for everyone on the list.

I do agree that far too many are putting up a 2 or 3 year supply - not good.

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Jerry Keefer
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Post by Jerry Keefer »

My view of this, and I have complained heavily..
It's a sad day when American industry can't supply the demands of the private sector. I don't remember shortages of this magnitude during Vietnam, and the military consumed massive amounts of ammo during that conflict.
And I agree with Dronning; A competitor who trains seriously, will eat up some components..
Greg Derr
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Post by Greg Derr »

A bird told me that Fin, Feather and Fur will have a shipment of Bullseye at Camp Perry.
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Jerry Keefer
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Post by Jerry Keefer »

Greg Derr wrote:A bird told me that Fin, Feather and Fur will have a shipment of Bullseye at Camp Perry.

Off to Canton at 10 AM this morning... update about an hour ago...2 hours east of Canton...I worked till 3 AM this morning on last minute prep..squeaky clean guns, triggers touched up and weighed..loaded extra ammo..up at 8AM to load the vehicle..now to wait..:):)
Good luck Greg
Safe travels..
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Powder availability

Post by BEA »

Never before has the shooting industry seen a run on supplies like we have in the last few years. The powder companies are at 100% capacity, running 24/7. Production time is being divided between the unprecedented demands of the ammo industry and the handloaders. There are no other outside influences that are contributing to the supply shortages. I suspect that this condition will start softening by the end of the year. We see a little reduction in ammo demand now, which will free up more production time for the handloaders needs. Just been patient a little longer.
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Post by Trooperjake »

The local stores where I live have more rifle powder than they can sell, one has 25 cases of powder, but little or no pistol powder. You want Varget, all you want, plenty of CFS, 760, AR Comp, IMR powders, AA shotgun, etc, etc.
So where are the Pistol Winchester, Accurate, Hodgdon, VV, powders?
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Post by Misny »

Jerry Keefer wrote:My view of this, and I have complained heavily..
It's a sad day when American industry can't supply the demands of the private sector. I don't remember shortages of this magnitude during Vietnam, and the military consumed massive amounts of ammo during that conflict.
And I agree with Dronning; A competitor who trains seriously, will eat up some components..
Reloading was really on the decline until O'Blamer took office. I just don't think that the industry anticipated how many new shooters and reloaders were jumping into the marketplace. I still think that the hoarders have been the ones that have contributed most to the shortages. Remember back when the "limited shelf life primer" rumor caused reloaders to buy many more primers than they would have normally?
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Post by RandomShotz »

I'm waiting for all of the nimrods who bought into the scare propaganda and jumped into reloading to realize that it is a time-consuming process, dangerous if not done with extreme care and not cost-effective unless they shoot a lot more than they used to. I expect there will be a lot of good, barely used reloading equipment showing up on eBay and "buy-sell-trade" sections of shooting forums in the next year or so.

mr alexander
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Powder Availability

Post by mr alexander »

Trooperjake stated that in his area rifle powders are in abundance, while

pistol powder can not be found. The situation is the same here in my part

of Wisconsin. The reason for this according to my local dealer? More and

more people are shooting handguns today because of the nation wide

concealed carry laws that have come into effect. Thus the greater

demand for handgun ammo and handgun reloading components. For

some others, it is getting harder and harder to find outdoor rifle ranges,

due to urban sprawl. So a lot of the affected shooters are now using their

handguns more often at an indoor facility; the rifles just don't come

out of the safe as often. In my area, we have three gunshops, with each

one having a 25 yard indoor range. Because of demand, a fourth facility

will soon be open. Nice to have that many places to shoot, but how do

you feed your Dillon Square Deal B Press? Hopefully, supply will soon be

greater than demand. With so many more shooters today, it's a shame

we don't have more NRA members than we currently do!!
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Post by chiltech500 »

With so many more shooters today, it's a shame

we don't have more NRA members than we currently do!!
Most of us are too cheap or too lazy to sign up. Unfortunately the gun control people use that against us in the press: "the NRA doesn't speak for gun owners because members are such a low percentage of gun owners."

Pistol powders are indeed at short supply here in the mid-east as well, plenty of rifle powders. Folks also seem to have gotten smart about using shotgun powders Red Dot, Green Dot for handguns.
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