Pardini GT45 - has anyone ransom rest tested a stock GT45

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Post by ghillieman »

I took my calipers and measured trigger widths real quick.

Kimber 1911 is .255"
Colt Gold Cup with Dlask trigger is .325"
Pardini GT45 is .350"
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Post by Isabel1130 »

ghillieman wrote:Isabel,
I took my calipers and measured trigger widths real quick.

Kimber 1911 is .255"
Colt Gold Cup with Dlask trigger is .325"
Pardini GT45 is .350"

That doesn't surprise me at all. My AP trigger is .400, and my Beretta trigger is just a smidgen less. .350 seems like a good width.

I think standard 1911 width is maybe .245?
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Post by sobakavitch »

. . . .
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Post by Isabel1130 »

"Width can be any size by the addition of a trigger shoe to that desired. Is there a limit to the width (within obvious physical limitations) and does it have to be of the same distance on either side from the center? Don't believe so."

Absolutely correct, however, You have to have a reasonably easy way to remove a trigger shoe so you can take the gun apart. There is only so much metal you can shave off a short trigger, leaving enough to attach a shoe, and still get the gun to go "bang"without the shoe jamming against the frame of the gun.

I think for anyone with really short fingers, who wants more width, I would recommend either a Gold cup frame or a Pardini.

I have a friend with these issues. His reach is even shorter than mine. So short in fact that he uses a very thin shim as both his left and right grip to give him more reach.

I am sure Jerry Keefer has thought these issues out. Heck of a gunsmith, and a really nice man.

I went to the Zins clinic in Richmond in 2009. Both Jerry Keefer, and David Sams were there. Well worth the 1600 mile trip.
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Post by GunRunner »

losw wrote:[quote=
Not wanting to argue but the facts are what they are....
As for record holder, Who would this be? The current civilian NRA 2700 record holder (2680) has held it since 1974 and his name is Herschel Anderson and I know he does not own or shoot a pardini, and he set the records with a 1911 and a sw41.
Actually the facts are Herschel Anderson was active duty Army with the AMU when he set the record and therefore holds the Service and Open record. The civilian record holder is Jon Zurek with a 2679.[/quote]

You are correct, but also Jon does not shoot a pardini, he shoots a 1911.
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Post by Murph »

So, I have stuck with my GT45 for this outdoor season against everyone telling me to switch to a 1911. I was struggling with long line accuracy until today. I finally found a load combo that was holding X ring off a good bench rest. 4.4 grains of bullseye, 1.21 oal, .470 crimp, with a Nosler 185 JHP. Literally, the group size doubled with loads at 4.7 and 4.0.
I am still always bench testing to confirm the long line accuracy. I hope to solidly land on the combo that seems to always work. Today was promising.

I have been shooting 880's consistently in 22 and 870's in CF with my Pardini SPBE and HP. But my 45 scores have been only 850's usually. I was assuming it was me needing more trigger time with the 45 but I could tell my shot calls were off at 50 and sometimes it cost me a lot. Bench testing hopefully helped me find a more accurate load. I will post again next week when I test again.
Jon Eulette
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Post by Jon Eulette »

Zurek is shooting his Pardini's this year. So far this year he's been shooting .22, .32 and .45 all Pardini.

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Post by GunRunner »

How is he doing with the 45 score wise?
Jon Eulette
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Post by Jon Eulette »

Don't remember his scores for .45 aggregate, but breaking 2650.

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Post by john bickar »

Jon Eulette wrote:Don't remember his scores for .45 aggregate, but breaking 2650.
Something something Indian, something something arrow.
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Post by ghillieman »

I'm shooting 200SWC's with 4.5gr WST. All are tight and on call at 50.
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Pardini GT 45

Post by Dipnet »

I have become enamored by Pardini products and am seriously thinking about getting the Pardini GT 45 6" (Presently, I can still sleep, but I may lose that ability as gun lust fever rises).

Have you ever shot Zero HPSWC 185gr bullets in your GT? They have a longer side, as long as many 200gr SWCs. My current load for my Rock River 6" is 4.1gr Bullseye with 185gr bullet (Zero or 185gr JSWC).

I may have to part with an Ed Brown Kobra bobtail (4.25 barrel) to fulfill my gun lust. This could be done under gun rule number 1: Never sell a gun for money, unless you are buying another gun of equal or greater value. dipnet
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Post by ghillieman »


No I haven't tried that bullet, I cast my own. Currently using the rest of a batch from a Lee mold 200gr SWC, casted with 50/50 lino & range scrap. I plan on testing 150gr SWC and 185gr SWC along with 185gr JHP.

But right now these 200gr SWC and 4.5gr WST are very accurate and cut clean holes.
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Post by Murph »

If you handle, rack the slide, break it down, put the magazine in and out, and feel how nice you can set the trigger of a GT45, I can almost guarantee you will buy one. Awesome guns right off the shelf.
John C
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Post by John C »


In my limited testing, I found my GT45 was most accurate with 4.4 gr of Bullseye under an H&N 185 gr plated HP. My next round of testing will be with Zero 185 gr JHPs in the same loading range, as well as with 4.2 gr of Titegroup and a magnum primer, and with 4.4 gr of Titegroup. All of these are pet loads I've gathered from other GT45 shooters.

My GT45 has a groove diameter of .4525, so I'm looking at trying some Quality Cast 160 gr, 185 gr, and 200 gr bullets that mic out at .4525. I had terrible leading with smaller diameter bullets. Dardas bullets offers .45 bullets in popular weights in .452 and .453 diameter. I haven't tried them, but will try them next if the Quality Cast don't work for me.

Thanks for you information on changing out the ejector. I'm going to do that next month.

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Post by Murph »

In my latest testing, this GT45 does seem most accurate with 4.4-4.6 grains of bullseye, 1.21 oal, 470 crimp or 469. It shoots as accurate as my wad 1911 which is a 1.5" gun at 50 yards.

I won't start testing lead rounds til later in the summer. Just shooting the Nosler 185 JHP so far.
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Post by ghillieman »

are you testing on bags or did you modify a ransom rest insert?
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