shooting range and shot a rifle

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shooting range and shot a rifle

Post by barbelaa »

I've never really went to a shooting range and shot a rifle before, but it's something that has always interested me and now I feel I have the time to do it. Seeing as how I have never owned a gun, I'm trying to see what kind of rifle I would want to take to a shooting range. I don't really have an interest in hunting, but I guess it could come down the line. What would you recommend for a beginner? Money is not necessarily an issue, but I do want something that I will help me even down the line when I'm more practiced and versed in shooting.
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Last edited by barbelaa on Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by USMC0802 »

What country do you live in? If it is the US where you can buy and own anything fairly easy, the next questiong would be how much do you want to spend and what purpose will you be using the gun for the most? Also,if you are in the US, many ranges rent guns for around $10 so you can try a variety before you decide what if anything to buy.
mark e
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Post by mark e »

As said ... where are you located is the most important question.
second is are you looking for a powder burner or air.
the next question is what discipline do you think you would like.
I love benchrest, I shoot field target, and I hunt small game, and I have a rifle set up specific for each discipline ( all are Air rifles )
and pistols are set for different disciplines as well, also air
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Post by dronning »

If you live in the States and want to learn the basics of shooting a rifle, find and go to an Appleseed event. Often they have rifles you can use but you will need to talk to the organizer ahead of time so they can arrange that. Over 2 days you will get all the basics and establish a solid foundation for improvement. Most attendees shoot a 22lr and quite often it's a Ruger 10/22.

During the breaks they also give a history lesson around the actual events that took place on April 19th, 1775 and the role marksmanship played in the forming of our nation. I found that a fascinating bonus.

I went to one to learn the correct way to shoot a rifle and even though they aren't promoting competition I started shooting HighPower rifle and then added Bullseye pistol.
Certified Safety Instructor: Rifle & Pistol
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David Levene
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Post by David Levene »

I have removed the spam links (that were added after the initial post) and the messages pointing out the OP was spam.

I have locked the thread but not removed it in case the responses are useful to someone.