j-team wrote:But, feel free to carry on doing that if you think you are right and everyone else is wrong.
There is a problem with that line of thinking ...
It's right because everyone is doing it ... until it's wrong.
Look at the history of any position ... standing, prone rifle ... Olympic trap ... it does not matter. The same is true of other human activities ... say a golf swing or the movements used in the weight room to "best" strengthen the body.
These positions have "evolved" over time. Evolved is in quotes because sometimes the change has not been linear, and moves back toward a methodology used farther in the past.
At one time
everybody who was
any good
knew that you stood at a 45 degree angel to the target and leaned into the pistol with a slightly cocked elbow during rapid fire (to absorb the recoil). And that's what
everybody did, until
someone didn't. They
they all stopped. Until once again somebody began winning doing something different. Some practical pistol shooters are once again using a relaxed elbow with great success for instance.
Why the change in position / technique over time? A couple of reasons are:
We learn new things, and sometimes that new knowledge is that prior new knowledge we once thought was correct is now view as incorrect.
Single "best practices" seldom are as they don't take into account the myriad of differences caused by the human condition. If a single best way is possible let's list some of them like:
Best sight picture
Best finger placement on the trigger
Stop breathing mid cycle or at the bottom ...or top ... or breathing in ... not while exhaling is better
Grip mainly with just pressure from the middle finger or do we spread the load across several fingers. Pinky anybody?
This is why we try different approaches, use good discipline with our journals (both entries and reviews) and have third party eyes (coaches) look after our performance.
One of the greatest shooters alive ... G. David Tubb says it best, "if I don't like how something is working, I change it and fix it.
Okay ... that was a long post ... sorry guys, I get carried away at times.