tennis elbow surgery

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tennis elbow surgery

Post by xeye »

anyone have the surgery?
How did it work out for you?

My TE came back after the cortisone shot when I waxed a car after it was ok for 6 months, now I am trying to figure out if I want to go to PT or straight to surgery.


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Brian G
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Post by Brian G »

There was an article in the UIT (now ISSF) Journal ~1982 stating that 'tennis elbow' was a common problem for pistol shooters aged 40 - 50 who had been shooting for 25 - 30 years. I fitted that profile exactly.

After numerous visits to a physiotherapist which included acupuncture and then cortizone I was referred to the orthopaedic consultant to the British Gymnastic Association, after x-rays and other tests he said that surgery was the only answer for me.

The operation involved removing scar tissue from the tendon, strengthening the attachment of the tendon and grinding out the channel that the tendon ran in. This was necessary because it not natural to grip with a straight elbow and my tendon was damaged by rubbing against the side of the channel

I had the operation in September 1983, I made a wooden pistol to fit into my rapid fire pistol grip so that I could carry on with my 'muscle memory' training as it was about six months before I could get back to my full training program.

I have had no further problems and recommend the knife.
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Post by 6string »

Bill, I am sorry to hear about your trouble with TE.

Speaking out of ignorance, does anyone have any thoughts or experience with the "Old School" technique of shooting with a slightly bent elbow.
I know this is pretty much obsolete by modern training methods. But, I would be interested in hearing from anyone, especially older shooters, who could comment on the long term physical implications.

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