Can I please have some advice regarding pulse?

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Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:29 am


Post by Fgregorio »

Hi mate,
I could not find any literature anywhere in regards to shooting, so I researched medical papers that focused on that issue and adapted that knowledge to shooting.
I am hoping that after posting the training regime that I use, other more experienced competition shooters might be able to help with further knowledge.
I know that this is a fairly recent field in medicine, so maybe it can bring goodresults in shooting.
These were my observations so far:
I can bring after 2 weeks of training by heart rate to just below my hr when I sleep.
The lowest heart rate (mid to low 40's) happens when dry firing at home.
Dry firing at the range produces a heart rate at release of 57bpm.
Live firing at the range: 73bpm
Finals: 85bpm.
Needless to say that pulse is our great enemy when live firing and I have also observed that this sharp increase comes from sheer adrenalin.
As we can see my heart rate is twice as high on a final compared to dry firing at home.
I am now looking on how to work this issue out and will update:
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:30 am

Post by livcyxingfoe »

I meant "then to the butt of the rifle...9 o'clock"

Aion Gold
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