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Post by conradin »

william wrote: I think you are wasting your time and filling your head with a lot of stuff that may be helpful, may be harmful or may be just plain useless.

Although a more boring approach, you might want to consider this:
1. Find a mentor - it doesn't matter whether you call him/her coach, instructor, guru, sensei or whatever.
2. Stick to that person like a limpet.
3. Listen to everything he/she says uncritically.
4. Do everything he/she instructs you to do.
5. Ignore ALL other opinions.
6. When your mentor says you're ready to consider other techniques feel free to search, although at this point you will feel sufficiently comfortable with your skills that you will feel no need to do so.
I have an unofficial one. The problem is he is a rifle shooter. But it is still very helpful.
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Post by conradin »

David Levene wrote:
conradin wrote:I can deal with my idea being called rubbish, in fact, I want to know why.
As you didn't feel it necessary to give any justification or reason for your belief, I didn't feel it necessary to give any justification or reason for mine
OK, fair enough. My reason is simply because of the historical heritage of this event. It was the third ever pistol event in ISSF, dated since 1947. Although it was also named in various disguise previously, such as "military pistol" or "army pistol", going back to the very first Olympic in 1896. The event usually means revolver competition, as most ordnance back in the 1910s and 20s were still using revolvers. Even the Swiss technically could still use the 1882 after the Luger P00 became the ordnance because they still issued the 1882 for non-civilian use. When CFP became an official event and replaced all previous ordnance pistol events, the revolvers were still the dominant pistols for quite awhile.
Hence my sentiment, I am not against semi-automatic, I just want to have an event which the revolvers, preferably the largest caliber (44 or 45), can compete in, and that competitors must use double action to make it more difficult for trigger pull reasons.
Leave the semi-automatic for 9mmm, 38 and 32 and create a separate event, or have it used for Standard Pistol, while the .22 of Standard Pistol (a men event) can be used for sports pistol, thus making SP having a men and a women event.
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Post by David M »

I will confuse this even more, instead of Semi auto vs Revolver, change it to .32 S&W long vs .38 Special.
The good way to deliver the .32 is a blow back semi Auto, but a even better option for delivering a .38 is a good Target revolver.
After years of testing we know that the .38 will out precision the .32, but you need a lot more training to duel well with a .38.
The bigger lump of lead just works better.
Last edited by David M on Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jliston48 »

conradin wrote:I am a firm believer that this competition should be strictly for revolvers.
I hesitate to ask, "Why?" On second thoughts, I won't!
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Post by jliston48 »

conradin wrote:...The problem is he is a rifle shooter. But it is still very helpful.
I believe the point william was making was that you need to have someone in whom you have TOTAL confidence and who can be your (spiritual?) guide in the search for ultimate performance in shooting.

For a pistol shooter, this may be a rifle shooter (but I doubt it unless s/he understands pistol shooting and is a very good coach - not just a good shooter). The fact that you have identified that "the problem is..." means this is NOT the person.

I think we'll know when you have found your guide because there will be fewer posts from you! (Joke!)

PS: The upper case is not shouting - just for emphasis!
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