Initially I used a S&W 41for bullseye pistol and in ashort time changed to the old Hammerli-Walther Olympia in 22LR and then the Walther GSP and finally the GSP Expert. The Walthers are fantastic guns and mine have functioned flawlessly with a wide variety of ammunition since the late 1950's.
Twelve years ago I finally opted for a Pardini SP as I wanted less muzzle weight and I could not obtain a light barrel from Falcon machining. The Pardini has served me well but it a bit more finicky with respect to ammo choices. My Pardini loves Wolf MT/SKJagd ammo and tolerates the Aguiila SE SV ammo but seems to choke on CCI SV.
Hi folks, new guy here
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- motorcycle_dan
- Posts: 175
- Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:13 pm
- Location: Mount Vernon Ohio
I second the choice of a Marvel on a 1911 frame. My personal best 889-38xC. Perkins wrote:I must digress, I now shoot a Marvel...
New range officer and a marvel conversion are going to set you back about $1200 Getting a used one even a better deal. probably don't need a Range Officer but well worth the money and with just a bit of fitting the RO makes a great wad gun.