32 acp dies

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32 acp dies

Post by bullseyeny »

Does anyone know if 32 s and w long dies made by dillon work for acp as well? I realize the shell plate is different and I need the extra small powder bar, but want to confirm dies will work.
Barry G
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Post by Barry G »

I doubt if the long dies will work for you. Maybe the sizer but the shorter case probably won't reach the expand, seat or crimp dies. Call Dillon, they will know for sure.
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Post by 6string »

Interesting question. The sizing die "might" work. There are some dimensional differences between the two cartridges in terms of outside case diameter. Also, the ACP case is designed with a slight taper in diameter from the rim to the case mouth. Assuming your question is related to the recent release of the Pardini 32 ACP, it is possible that another consideration may be whether Pardini is approaching the round from a metric standpoint. In Europe, the 32 ACP has decades of use and is generally known as the 7.65 Browning.
I'm going to venture a guess that Pardini, in adding the 32 ACP to it's lineup, has altered rate of twist to favor better performance at the 50 yd line. In so doing, it is safe to assume that bore diameter will be different than the 32 S&W Long, probably .308-.309".
To make a long story a bit shorter, a 32 S&W sizing die may, or may not work. At such small cartridge dimensions little variations can be critical to good performance. You may get insufficient neck tension for best accuracy. On the other hand, it may be perfect if using cast bullets.
The seating die may be too long. You could have it cut down in a lathe, though. Same thing with the crimp die. What type of crimp does Dillon use? You'd probably want a taper crimp. The powder charge die may be adjustable enough to work with the shorter cartridge, but the belling/flaring diameter may, or may not, be appropriate for the desired interior case mouth diameter needed for your intended bullet. But, you could turn that part in a lathe to a slightly smaller diameter, probably taking off .001-.003"

Please let us know your experiences!

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