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Post by jr »

Tycho wrote:I find it extremely funny that Rink grips get recommended just like that all over the place. Fitting isn't everything, grips have to make that pistol point in the right direction
Tycho: John (the original poster) asked a very valid question: in general terms, what can he do to improve, and he indicated that he uses an IZH 46M. There are many good bits of advice that this community has given him, so I added my own opinion. Note that I said:
I would advise you to consider getting the Rink grips for your IZH 46M
That's just one person's recommendation here. Maybe you've seen Rinks recommended more than you'd like elsewhere or on other threads, but as far as we know, from John's perspective this is the first time he's seen them recommended specifically for his 46M... that's hardly "all over the place". My recommendation was very neutral ("I'd advise you to consider..."), and in that post as well as in the other TargetTalk post that I linked to ( ) the grip angle is addressed. For me, and with my hand/wrist/arm/shoulder mechanics, the factory grips pointed the pistol too low, the Rinks point it right where I want it.
My point remains: Even after lots of work with the stock grips (though not as much as Gerard has invested!), the Rinks still started out better. The angle for the Rinks fit my body mechanics, while the factory IZH ones did not.
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Post by RandomShotz »

I'm a little surprised that no one has referenced this thread:


The price is right (if they are still available) and it seems that the people who purchased them managed to turn them into good-fitting grips. If I was still shooting my Izzy, I'd have bought these for myself.

Keep in mind that the OP's question was on improving his shooting from a relatively noobie state and grips are only a part of that. Unless the OP has a generous hobby budget, he just needs to know that his equipment is not holding him back from progress from his current level. If he has to upgrade to be competitive on a hgher level, there will be time for that. Modding the stock grips or the grips from "Jetter 55" may be enough to get that aspect out of the way so he can concentrate on the skills involved in good shooting

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Post by Gerard »

Good point. I just rarely remember those grips because they're too skinny for me. With putty and carving that all changes of course.
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