Recommend .38 Spl Wad Gun?

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Post by 6string »

I've never found the need to change the follower on metalform mags. But, the mag lips do need some re-working. The rear portion is left as is. An approximately 3/8" radius scallop is cut about a 1/4" from the rear on each side of the mag. The forward portion, now actually lips are re-shaped. The curve is shaped straight and then bent inwards slightly creating, in effect, two fingers on either side of the mag body. This can be done readily with needle-nose pliers. Smooth plier jaws are preferable for the cleanest job.

As the slide returns to battery the cartridge is pushed forward and the rim slips free of the rear portion. The bent fingers allow the cartridge to rise slightly and feed straight into the chamber. The amount of space between the two mag fingers dictates how high or low the cartridge will be. This space is adjusted until functioning is 100%. It's not that hard to do, despite how it might sound here. I've found mags can generally be interchanged between pistols without problems.
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Post by JasonRain »

You will read that it is difficult to shoot, and maybe I am just not good enough to tell, but I find it easier than a 45 because of the lighter trigger and light weight.

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