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Bad Locked Post

Post by sbrmike »

Why was the post by xinocents(sp) locked?

That was not a political post at all.

The person was an actual NYer and he had valid points.

The rushed law there has major consequences to an International competitor.

Those not in NY or even the USA don't have a right to ask for the post to be closed. The man addressed some very real concerns that are already in effect.

One feature is one feature. What?? Do they need to sell their 1913 stocks and buy 1907's? Thumbhole stock is thumbhole stock, whether on ar AR, Turkey Shotgun, or a single shot International Target Rifle.

The ammo concern is certainly valid. I know dealers in PA that will not touch high buck rimfire ammo. They have been burned too many times by guys having them order it in and then only buying a box to test. Of course if it was prepaid for that would negate that, but many dealers have had there fill and just tell the rimfire guys to find a new shop. This was mainly due to benchrest rimfire but Position shooters have pulled this as well. It is hard enough to sell a brick of high end rimfire ammo; try to sell one with a box missing!
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Post by sbrmike »

Here is a link to FAQ's about the NY Safe Act of 2013:

It is supposed to have pictures and other examples of what is now legal and what is not.
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Post by sbrmike »

That link was just announced Monday, after I made the initial post. Yhe bottom line in the link says it is information only, not legal advice. During the televised voting of the bill, they said "one illegal feature, Period."

The law is a very restrictive one; perhaps not quite as bad as it looked, but still very restrictive.

The NRA/CMP Highpower guys weren't given an exemption for their sanctioned matches. I guess they will be back to using Garands with modified magazines, possibly M1A's. I don't think they will be able to own AR-15's???? at all???
Edited: Ooops I misread the link NRA sanction is OK, I thought it applied to handgun matches for some reason.

They didn't officially or specifically name Anschutz target rifles as OK yet either.
Edited: Just hope it doesn't end up like CA: the manufactureres can't afford to test each model for approval, i.e. a 4" model 19 was tested and put on the approved list, a 2-1/2" or 6" is not approved.

This is the trouble with a law that was written, voted for, signed and placed into action without the normal procedures. This law was started immediately after the State of the State address in NY. It was voted on and passed by the Assembly between 11PM and 12AM then the Senate voted on it before lunch the next day. The Governor immediately signed it. They waived all of the required time standards, i.e. 3 days public comment, and 60 days after signing to implement to specifically not allow panic buying.
Edited: I had the Senate and Assembly bassackwards. Also for the record, the vote wasn't close in either chamber. And rumour has it that some of the negative votes only came when it was sure to pass. What I am saying is hardly anyone voted against it. Steep hill to climb.
Last edited by sbrmike on Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by KatoomDownUnder »

sbrmike wrote:That link was just announced Monday, after I made the initial post. Yhe bottom line in the link says it is information only, not legal advice. During the televised voting of the bill, they said "one illegal feature, Period."

The law is a very restrictive one; perhaps not quite as bad as it looked, but still very restrictive.

The NRA/CMP Highpower guys weren't given an exemption for their sanctioned matches. I guess they will be back to using Garands with modified magazines, possibly M1A's. I don't think they will be able to own AR-15's???? at all???

They didn't officially or specifically name Anschutz target rifles as OK yet either.

This is the trouble with a law that was written, voted for, signed and placed into action without the normal procedures. This law was started immediately after the State of the State address in NY. It was voted on and passed by the Assembly between 11PM and 12AM then the Senate voted on it before lunch the next day. The Governor immediately signed it. They waived all of the required time standards, i.e. 3 days public comment, and 60 days after signing to implement to specifically not allow panic buying.
That's when you get in to real governance issues when they steam roll legislation through. We have the same issues here both at a state and Federal level. Makes you wonder if all politicians have a special operation to remove any modicum of ethical thought from their minds. :-)
Justin Credible
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Post by Justin Credible »

sbrmike wrote:That link was just announced Monday, after I made the initial post. Yhe bottom line in the link says it is information only, not legal advice. During the televised voting of the bill, they said "one illegal feature, Period."

The law is a very restrictive one; perhaps not quite as bad as it looked, but still very restrictive.

The NRA/CMP Highpower guys weren't given an exemption for their sanctioned matches. I guess they will be back to using Garands with modified magazines, possibly M1A's. I don't think they will be able to own AR-15's???? at all???

They didn't officially or specifically name Anschutz target rifles as OK yet either.

This is the trouble with a law that was written, voted for, signed and placed into action without the normal procedures. This law was started immediately after the State of the State address in NY. It was voted on and passed by the Assembly between 11PM and 12AM then the Senate voted on it before lunch the next day. The Governor immediately signed it. They waived all of the required time standards, i.e. 3 days public comment, and 60 days after signing to implement to specifically not allow panic buying.
As a once proud New Yorker I have been following the new law very closely and watched the voting live both times. If you are concerned about the restrictions I suggest you read the actual law as many of the items you mentioned are not true. For example:

The law specifies that "Assault Weapons" are semi-automatic with one or more features and then clarrifies it later by saying that it does not include anything that is manullay operated by a bolt, pump, lever, etc. It also references guns listed as okay in the original federal ban are okay. So I can add a bayonet lug to my pistol gripped Ans 2013 and still be clearly okay.

Assault weapons currently in the state have a year to be registered so the AR-15's that are here now are good if registered in that time period (which of course they all will be....) Assault weapons older than 50 years can be brought in if registered within a certain time period of entering the state as well. I'm not sure off the top of my head if there is an exemption for people coming into the state for a match, but I'd wager there is (maybe not in the new bill, but in the law it ammends which must also be read as the new bill is not the complete law.)

The law says you can load 10 rounds while at matches approved by the NRA (among some others, though I did not see CMP listed) or at a range incorporated for conservation, marksmanship, etc. Just don't do it at home.

There are other exemptions and nuances as well, not all of which I have absorbed yet. I am in the process of highlighting and making notes so I know what is and is not legal before I get out of this state in the coming months. This was the last straw for me!

Remember, this is what I read in the bill but I am not a lawyer so get your own legal advice!
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Post by s1120 »

sbrmike wrote:Here is a link to FAQ's about the NY Safe Act of 2013:

It is supposed to have pictures and other examples of what is now legal and what is not.
They do skim over the ammo section in that FAQ. I belive thats becouse they have NO IDEA how to do it. Frankly if we have to pay the normal 10 bucks for a background check for every ammo buy.... and talk of flagging mass ammo buyers.... Well you can write off any target comps in NY. I know I would not be able to afford to buy pratice, and comp ammo, nor want the gov knocking at my door asking why im buying 1000's of rounds of ammo... I have been studying up, and buying to plan trying bullseye. frankly at this time I cant buy ammo becouse there is none on the shelves, and fear I wont be able to afford it when it is. So Im stuck.

My Dad had shot bullseye for years back in the 60's and 70's. I got his guns when he passed, and was looking to give it a shot myself. Sadly I dont know if I will be able to do that any more.
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Post by sbrmike »

That is the trouble with a rushed through bill. In addition, they had to amend the bill after it was passed to delay the magazine restricition implimentation date as many of the police depts would have been in violation.
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