Colt Match Target history in Bullseye

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Colt Match Target history in Bullseye

Post by Rob »

I started bullseye shooting in the early 90's when High Standards and S&W 41's were popular at Camp Perry matches.
My question is....Were the Colt 22 target pistols ever the predominant pistol in Bullseye, and when did they fall out of favor.
A Colt Match Target pistol is so beautiful, but I've never seen anyone fire one at a match.
Thanks Rob
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Match Target

Post by fc60 »


My Father-in-law shot with Joe Benner in the late 50's and 60's. Benner shot a Match Target and did "fairly" well with it.


mr alexander
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Colt Match Target

Post by mr alexander »


I still have the 6" Colt Match Target .22 Pistol that I purchased in 1979.

I bought it as a backup gun for my High Standard Victor.

I felt the trigger pull on it was not as good as the one on the Victor, so I contacted Clark Custom Guns about having it reworked.

They advised me that these guns did not lend themselves well to having a nice trigger pull on them due to the design of the internal parts.

With the introduction of the Rugers in 1949 and the Smith 41s in 1957, the Colts felt out of favor with the bullseye shooters for this reason.

Apparently, these 2 pistols cost less at the time and both were easier to

modify for target shooting.
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