Have you taken Russ's course?

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Have you taken Russ's course?

Post by toddinjax »

Has anyone here studied/trained with Russ? If so, tell us a little about your experience and results. If you have not taken his course or had private instruction with him, please do not post in this thread. I'm looking for the people on this board who have had the actual experience of his instrction.
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Post by Russ »

Are you trying to indorse my class here? :(
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Post by toddinjax »

The word you meant to use is "endorse" and the answer is no. One cannot (meaningfully) endorse something they have no experience with, or knowledge of. I am looking to learn about your course from those with first hand experience. When TT members who have studied with you chime in and say great things, they will be "endorsing" you. If anyone here on TT with direct experience with you has any negative comments, I will weight them along with positive comments and which side comes out ahead.
Also, I specifically asked only those who have taken your course to post. Be patient and cream will rise if you've earned it.
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Post by Russ »

There is not necessary to endorse me or my class. It is not a part of anyone’s commitment to run my business, even someone’s feels good about it. Otherwise, I will be interested to see something what can make me improve my class.
By the way it is pretty much self explanatory what I’m offering. There are no obligations to take my class if I do not have your attention in the first 30 minutes.

If you do not have motivation to improve your score performance - you are not ready take this class. If you can’t spend some portion of the money related to necessary cost of Total investment in your tools (Olympic pistols total about $6,000.00 - $8,000.00, plus expenses for competition travel at least 2,000.00 in a year). If you do not ready to make this investment, you are not ready take this class.

Psychological aspect of your future progress is embedded in the decision process of taking all necessary actions toward the choice to take this class and save some money or earn them. Lesson is to work outside your own comfort zone. (To set priority in your new development).

P.S. Mr. Gary Funnell fell free to comment all psychological benefits and aspects of my preposition. I think, that you have knowledge in psychology makes you qualify to see some trees behind the forest. (Blind accusation of greed) ;)
Last edited by Russ on Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by shooter560 »

Russ, I wasn't going to post in this thread as I didn't feel it was warranted especially as the OP asked for people not to post unless they have first hand experience (for which I apologise to the OP for posting as I do not have any personal experience, and only replying after you Russ brought me into it), but I will explain why I am.

I think and I could be wrong, but the OP of this thread is actually asking if anyone here on the site has used your services, now this could be as he wants to understand more about you, your classes or just being nosey. My personal take on it is he might actually be looking to see if others who have employed you feel its money well spent.

Remember that although you offer a free 30 minute session for people to evaluate if they think its worth going on, however that is only valid if they live very local to you, and given the location of many site members they might actually have to invest $100's if not $1000's just to get to meet you therefore doing some basic research and asking for feedback from others is something that must be done. I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone spending their money without making sure of what they were getting and not only from those who sing praise, you need a balanced feedback to make a balanced decision.

However if you constantly reply with snide digs and underhand innuendos inferring that everyone bar you has no idea what they are saying or doing you are just showing that you are unable to cope with possible competition within a business environment and are of an insecure nature and disposition.
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Post by Russ »

"However if you constantly reply with snide digs and underhand innuendos inferring that everyone bar you has no idea what they are saying or doing you are just showing that you are unable to cope with possible competition within a business environment and are of an insecure nature and disposition."

I do not have competition with coaches. They have obligations, obligation is the job. What I do is a consulting, it is a short term commitment to solve certain problems. This is entrepreneurial thing; you have to be creative to survive in the business. There is no such a business as a coaching in Olympic pistol my friend. About what kind of competition are you talking about? $30 book? :( You probably just are kidding or having a bad dream.

I’m charging money to get most of my time with more benefits to my client!

The way how I’m conducting is by provoking minds and making people think outside the box. If it makes some discomfort, it is OK. There will be more discomfort when person will discover what was missing in his performance for numbers of years.

I asked you to comment about values imbedded in my initial preposition. So please....

Do we have real psychologist in this community who can be totally honest with the audience?

By the way if you see any "gibberish", please ignore it.(Sometimes I do it for the reason to show you how week I am and make you bite me. So stay on the topic and outsource "this job" for less educated part of this community). :)
This is not a subject what I would like to discuss with real psychologist, whose help so in need in this community. So be patient. I will direct to you a lot of professional questions. Whole World will benefit from your wisdom not jus UK. ;)
Last edited by Russ on Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Greg Derr
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Post by Greg Derr »

huh? ;)
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Post by C. Perkins »

Do any of you remember Romper Room ?
Maybe I am showing my age...

A show of a whole bunch of children and a teacher.

Just saying...

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Post by Russ »

It is lonely here. ;)
Mr. toddinjax, are you done with your investigation? It is about time to come up with conclusion. ;)
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Post by Tycho »

There are two possible conclusions: All of Russ' victims have left targettalk (or the internet, or this universe), or nobody at all has ever taken Russ' course, which would explain why he's so busy here. I see another Chet discussion coming.

IMHO, it should be made possible to ban certain users from certain threads.
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Post by Russ »

Why everybody so scared of Chet. Is he done any harm?
Tycho 822 posts
I see you are quite contributor here. May I ask you, why your posts in Olympic Pistol subject only about technical aspects (hardware).
Are you aware there other parts involved in this processes? You like to talk or you participating in competitions too?

I do not like you tone. Do we have to ban you too?

By the way I did not start this topic. Since someone is using my nick name, I’m kind of curious about this subject. ;)

Too much talk about hardware can easily disorient audience and make them make unknowledgeable decisions about correct steps toward best score performance.
Tycho, I hope it is not of you best interest to disorient audience? ;)

What are you trying to achieve?
Last edited by Russ on Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gerard »

Russ wrote:Why everybody so scared of Chet. Is he done any harm?
Tycho 822 posts
I see you are quite contributor here. May I ask you, why your posts in Olympic Pistol subject only about technical aspects (hardware).
Are you aware there other parts involved in this processes? You like to talk or you participating in competitions too?

I do not like you tone. Do we have to ban you too?

By the way I did not start this topic. Since someone is using nick name, I’m kind of curious about this subject. ;)

Too much talk about hardware can easily disorient audience and make them make unknowledgeable decisions about correct steps toward best score performance.
Tycho, I hope it is not of you best interest to disorient audience? ;)

What are you trying to achieve?
In case you failed to notice (even after 1020 posts on TT) Russ, the originator of this thread asked for comments from a very specific group of people. Not from you. Not from me. Not from Tycho. No one else. But you immediately derailed this thread with the very first answer to the question. Why? You have so far contributed nothing to answering his question, nor could you, as you are obviously not a student of your own classes.
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Post by Russ »

Mr Gerard. You know better than anyone else about my students. You communicated and learn from one at least.

There is no mystery about it. I specifically told all my students to stay away from all discussions.

Too much talk about hardware can easily disorient audience and make them make unknowledgeable decisions about correct steps toward best score performance.
Tycho, I hope it is not of you best interest to disorient audience? ;)

This part constantly triggers all parties who looking for benefits by selling hardware…
Gerard, are you involved too? If not you have to ask for you cut.
Last edited by Russ on Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gerard »

It's been a long time since I've exchanged emails with John Robinson. Last time he wrote to say his latest batch of mead was delicious. Very nice fellow he is. And for the record, again, as you seem to be VERY forgetful, John did NOT share your course information with me. Period. He's not that kind of guy. If you feel like accusing one of your former students (he took a weekend seminar with you) perhaps you should be so bold as to accuse him directly, not in the cowardly way you have been doing in these forums. He has done nothing dishonest regarding your course materials and I have zero idea what you teach in those courses. People are curious, sure, as you've adveritsed them so heavily here... but the content remains a mystery and frankly one I'm not very interested in discovering.
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Post by Russ »

I’m glad that our secrets well protected. I'm respecting him too.
He is the one who did 572 in AP in two and half months after my class.

If Tycho using such words as "victims" toward this performance, It makes me wonder who all of those people who posting, contributing and etc.
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Post by Gerard »

Russ wrote:I’m glad that our secrets well protected. I'm respecting him too.
He is the one who did 572 in AP in two and half months after my class.
So you continue to boast about John's performance, and yet you repeatedly insult him by these accusations against him for stealing your secret, and insult me by claiming that I've accepted this secret... and by extension, since you've repeatedly made clear that I am not worthy of your respect (and today you've twice gone so far as to instruct me not to post on TT any more!), it seems your secret is of no value. Amazing logic. My average is 550 at the moment, as I took a few months off active training and did just very light maintenance shooting at home - work got very busy but I've caught up enough now to get serious about shooting again - and this apparently is all the criterion you need to say that my opinions are of no value here. Brilliant reasoning Russ. Do please keep your secret safe, I'm sure it brings you great comfort.
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Post by Russ »

My dear friend Gerard, there is no such dramatic thing as "stealing." :)
I'm sharing my secrets during the two days of my class! :))

If you choose to look for the knowledge over the Internet, someone would like to execute other options and invest in education. It is that simple. ;) Do not blame them for that. :)

"I'm sure it brings you great comfort."
What brings me great comfort is to share my knowledge with people who ready to do better then I did!
Last edited by Russ on Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Have you taken Russ's course?

Post by dschaller »

toddinjax wrote:Has anyone here studied/trained with Russ? If so, tell us a little about your experience and results. If you have not taken his course or had private instruction with him, please do not post in this thread. I'm looking for the people on this board who have had the actual experience of his instrction.
I am sorry for replying to this post when I have not in fact attended training with Russ, but I have to say that his insistence on hijacking this thread makes it clear to me that there is no way in the world I would ever consider working with him. Anyone so inconsiderate of others deserves none of my business. I agree with the poster who asked for a way to ban such inconsiderate posters. Again, my apologies for posting this.
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Post by Russ »

Let’s take a look to the facts:

Tycho wrote:
"All of Russ' victims have left targettalk "

Person who took unconventional steps, did exceptional performance is victim here? He bought AP from our host by the way.
Are you guys talking about spots and performance or other things here?

dschaller wrote:"hijacking" ????

Wake up my friend. My name is here. Can I participate too?
What is yours “Skin on the game” Mr. dschaller? What is your hidden interest here?
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Post by dlinden »

Do we have real psychologist in this community who can be totally honest with the audience?

Hi Russ -

Glad you're back and in good form. I respectfully disagree with those that might seek banning you from this forum. Although I haven't learned anything from you, I have had the great fortune of apparent endless entertainment. I would say that there are many others that at least privately would share the same sentiment. I realize English is not your first language, but your communication style is truly unique and it presents its own challenge to interpret.

By the way, I'm your guy. I am a "real psychologist". I can even prove it. I have a PhD from George Washington University in Clinical Psychology, a department that is APA accredited, with advanced training in Neuropsychology. I am licensed and have over 30 years of clinical expererience. I am at your service.

Dennis L