You may be right in your point, but looking at it from a pistol shooter's point of view, it's franky incomprehensible.Sparks wrote:
...and now you want millions of people to buy new trousers *and* new rifles? And you've eliminated the value of their old rifles because they're no longer useful for the sport? In the middle of a depression?
Not a good thing for the sport, that...
When I started shooting FP and AP (from a backgorund of big bore disciplines) it was the early eighties. Then, pistoleers were allowed to wear ankle-high boots and jackets just like riflemen. Sometime later, jackets were outlawed. Around 1987, boots were outlawed. Then on 01/01/1989, match duration was shortened by 1/2 of an a hour, and all this in two disciplines which had never come EVEN NEAR the maximum possible score (nor are likely to come).
Meanwhile, the equipment race in 50 M Rifle and AR has turned them a budgetary nightmare, and they complain about 600's turning on, and devicing cleverer schemes for match definitions...............
When a young shooter comes to the club I'm president of, I know that loaning him/her one of the CO2 FWB's (worth U$D 400) we have for those occassions, it's all they'll need regarding equipment until they catch National Gold.
Hey, I remember the National championship in my country was won in 1988 (old target, I know) with a 578 score, which will get the old champion in the finals today, and he was shooting a FWB 65!!
But if a youngster wants to shoot rifle, we have to make miracles: ask old/retired shooters to loan or sell jackets and pants that can be "tailored" to suit them, and a whole pletora of gimmicks, amounting a minimum expense of U$D 2000 for starters!!
So maybe it's time to think about it, if "the future of our sport" is what we're aiming at.