BE Powder load for 25 and 50 yards?

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BE Powder load for 25 and 50 yards?

Post by jerryg22 »

Using a 185gr swaged lswchp what load (using BE) is recommended for accuracy that will work for both 25 and 50 yard line?
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Post by marvelshooter »

I would start with 4 grains of Bullseye.
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Post by paw080 »

Hi Jerry, I would start with 3.5gr of Bullseye. This was a very common load in the 1970s that

many competitors used for both 25 and 50 yard distances; This load usually propelled

the H&G 130(185gr LSWC) bullet. Here is a link to some valuable 45 ACP information;

just open "Loads From The Past".

This info is still relevant today. Best regards;

Greg Derr
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Post by Greg Derr »

jerry: Are you using iron sights or a scope mounted on the slide or frame? This makes a difference. 3.5 will not function most guns with a slide mount well. I would start at 4.5 if you have a slide mount, and got with a 10# spring.
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Post by paw080 »

Hi Jerry, Greg is right; I'm shooting open sights only. So I can use the 3.5gr

load. I shoot 10 meter AP60 and 50 meter pistol, so I stay consistant with

my sighting mode.

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Post by GunRunner »

I have shot thousands of these bullets in many guns, you need 3.9 to cycle a slide mount, or less with open sights or a frame mount gun. You will also need a 10lb recoil spring, if less than 4 grn is used in a slide mount.
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Re: BE Powder load for 25 and 50 yards?

Post by TonyT »

jerryg22 wrote:Using a 185gr swaged lswchp what load (using BE) is recommended for accuracy that will work for both 25 and 50 yard line?
I use 3.8 gr. HS-700X, Rem LP, 185 gr. Star LSWCHP for 25 yards and 3.8 gr. VV N-310, WLP behind the same bulet for 50 yards.
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Post by shaky »

For the last three of years I have been using a load that consists of Zero swaged 185 grain SWHP bullets, 3.6 grains of bullseye, CCI 300 primers, a .469" crimp and an OAL of about 1.217". This load has given me excellent performance in three guns with slide mounted Ultra Dots and one with iron sights. All three of the Ultra Dot guns have the Clark mount and Weaver low rings. Two of the Ultra dot guns use 9 pound recoil springs and the third has a 10 pound spring. The iron sight gun has a 12 pound spring. All the springs are the Wolff Variable Power type. It has been my (limited) experience that once a gun gets some rounds through it and is "broken in" it my loosen up enough to warrant a heavier recoil spring.
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