Fuzzy Target

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Post by silentfury214 »

Is there a difference for rifle shooting (like the equations for distance to the rear sight because it is so much smaller)?
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Post by ShootingSight »

Maybe, but not by much, and any there is, is more physiological than optical.

In rifle, the rear sight is so close it is blurred, so aiming is really a front sight/target question.

In pistol, you also have to concentrate on the rear/front sight alignment, so there might be some justification in saying you want to bias your focus slightly more towards the sights than a pure 50/50 split between the front sight and target that a rifle shooter would want.

In trap shooting, where you need to pay attention to a moving target and judge its velocity and direction, you want your focus a little further out ...

So, you are correct. My experience is rifle. Pistol might want slightly closer focus, shotgun slightly further. However in all cases, the formulas and the logic I presented are valid in terms of calculating the optics, it is the shooter's preference for where they want to focus that is not fully determined. However there is a range. I'd bet that if you take my 50/50 formula for focus, you will find that pistol shooters to trap shooters will mostly end up within 0.25 diopters one way or the other.
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