Anschutz 1903 Junior?

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Anschutz 1903 Junior?

Post by vHoff »

Hi all,

I'm looking around to start rifle shooting and came across the Anschutz 1903 Junior. I was wondering if anybody had any info about it. How accurate is it and/or will I outgrow it quickly? I'm a college student but haven't really shot rifle before. Does it make sense to use it as starter rifle? I'm mostly guided by price and with it being advertised for <800, it's quite tempting.

Any general information about it would be great.

Tim S
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Post by Tim S »

The 1903 isn't a bad rifle at all. But not many serious shooters use one.

The 1903 is built around Anschutz' lighter M64 action. Most shooters prefer the M54, it's alittle heavier, but stronger and has a faster firing pin, and better trigger (not the the 1903's trigger is bad, but the M54's is better).

The 1903 has a fairly basic 3-Position stock. It has the essential adjustments, but it's not ideal for a long term choice. Conversely the M54 is much easier to update. Personally I think a second hand Match 54 might be a better option with more room for development.

If you are looking to get into rifle shooting I think it might be better to attend a few matches first as a spectator to see what goes on.
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Post by little_doodie »

unless you are a Petite lady it will be too small.
It is a perfect starter rifle for a 12-14 year old but generally by 14 it is pretty small.
A normal 1903 would be a better starter rifle for a newer shooter that is of normal build (not an 90# lady)

It's good advise to see what others have an maybe they will let you try it.
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