GSP Vs HP in .32 cal.

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GSP Vs HP in .32 cal.

Post by Kirmdog »

I've been looking at getting a 32 and know that both the Walther GSP Expert and the Pardini HP are excellent .32's. The guys in my club that shoot .32's shoot either the Pardini or Benelli .32's and they say that the Pardini is the best, nobody has a GSP Expert. I have shot the Benelli and like the idea of almost no recoil but have decided that the Benelli would not be the one I would buy. It would either be the GSP or Pardini.

Has anybody shot both the GSP and HP .32 and would you have an oppinion as to which you liked best? Price wise they're close, reliability/parts wise I don't know anything about either.


Bill Treanor
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Post by Bill Treanor »

I have shot the Pardini, the Benelli, and GSP .32's for bullseye competition. The Pardini had the best trigger, but was unreliable with feeding. The Benelli had the best feel, but it had some other reliability issues (the bolt hold-open button would engage during sustained fire sometimes and the extractor came out a few times).

Once I started shooting the GSP, all of my reliability issues went away and I never looked back (..although I do miss that Pardini trigger a little).

I put a Dave Wilson barrel in the GSP last year and used it to shoot my best long-line competition target (99-5X) with ANY pistol I have ever used.
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Post by PFribley »

You might check out the Hammerli 280. The one with a single fixing torx screw in the front under the barrel. Or the SP20RRS.
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Post by Kirmdog »

Thanks for the info.

Guys in my club have a lots of alibi's with their Pardini's and the Benelli's seem to brake a firing pin at the most inappropriate times. I'm glad to hear the GSP seems to be working out. The guys shooting the Pardini's said it was the one to get because it supposedly rules the European matches. I don't shoot overseas so I wouldn't know about that but I would think that a big name like Walther would be up near the top also.

I'll check out the Hammerli 280 and the SP20RRS. Wasn't Hammerli bought out by Walther a few years ago?

Steve K
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.32 cal. bullseye pistol

Post by Steve K »

I have used the Pardini and Hammerli .32 caliber pistol and the Pardini with Morini grips had a slight edge over the Hammerli. Both are excellent pistols for bullseye.
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Post by TonyT »

I have owned and used both the Pardini HP nad Walther GSP in 32. The Walther was the most reliable but I preferred the lighter up front weight of the Pardini.
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