Nice light load

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Nice light load

Post by keith »

Being that I shoot mainly indoors and at 25yds , I wanted to have something load wise that fit that purpose...My gun likes 200gr bullets better than 180/185's so naturally I stuck with them...I found 2 loads that fit this purpose...3.5 BE and 3.6 Clays both with the 200gr Lswc's ,1.245 COL, and .470 crimp . I use a slide mounted dot and 11-12 lb recoil spring . I tend to use the 11lb with the BE load and the 12 with the Clays load ..Both loads will cut one hole @ 25yds and work nicely for timed and rapid fire...when I do make it outside 3.8-4.0 with both powders works well ...3.5 BE was at one time the go to load before red dot where common but it functions my gun nicely and for indoors it shoots softly and is helping me to work on rapid fire....this load may not work with a really tight custom gun but it works great in my Range officer with a dot mounted and hand fitted barrel bushing....any way just thought I'd pass this on....

One thing the 3.6 clays load has a published vellocity of 760 ...and has just a little more snap than the BE load ....I dont know what the velocity is on the BE load....but its pretty soft ...just what I needed to help me get the handle on the rapid fire satge...
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Post by Trooperjake »

Have you tried the Quality 160gr bullets
Shoots good in both my 1911's
I am using 4.2 BE
Some use 4.4
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Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:26 pm

Post by keith »


I thought about those....I tryed some Penn 180's at 4.0BE....But for some reason my gun just seems to function better with 200's when I use Bullseye powder...I can use lighter bullets with Clays ...I think when I order bullets next time I'll get some qualty cast 200's and see if I can get like 250 of those 160's to try.......But ya Ive looked at those bullets and they are on my mind to try some....thx for the suggestion...I think my function issues where due to my crimp . I got a new crimp die now and everything has worked out I may look at some 180's and 160's again but for now Ive got a few thousand 200's to play with....I'm kinda burned out on experimneting for awhile now I just wanna shoot....
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Post by TonyT »

I used 3.6 gr. Clays with a 200gr. LSWC for several yeras before switching to the 185 gr. Star LSWCHP with 3.8 gr. HS-700X. Rem 2.5 for 25 yards at ca 720 fps - a mild and accurate load
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