How to Move your Performance to Level 570 in AP in 3 Months

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Post by gn303 »

I didn't think of getting involved in this discussion, however!
I do believe that Russ has values to pass to shooters, young or old. I've noticed that many coaches from the former USSR are now active in other countries, with success. I also believe that shooting is more a mental game than anything else. Bassham's book is very clear about that, and that book was writting quit a while ago! What bothers me is that Russ is giving the impression that by attending his classes a shooter will easily shoot 570 in AP, in a match! Sorry, but this sound to me like rubbish. If it were true, the AP matches would be crowded with shooters shooting 570's.
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Post by Russ »

"I'm curious about a lot of things. Currently I am still curious about various people's perspectives on 10m AP, as I am pursuing this in competition and wish to improve as much as is possible. On that subject, just a slight, if insignificant to you, amendment; my average for the past several weeks has been about 540, perhaps slightly higher, or so the spreadsheet graph displaying my scores in practice and competition shows.

What do I wish to accomplish here on TT? What does any person wish to do in any forum? Seek answers? Help others? Is this a stretch for you to understand, Russ"

The way to satisfy curiosity is to ask questions and listen.
AP 530 or 540 (possible practice score) is not even close to the national final or any score performance where the athlete can pay attention to the real psychology of this game.
Your level of performance, and attitude and desire are recreational activities.
I am not interested about this level of development at all, whether you like it or not!
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I can't post :(

Post by Russ »

"What do I wish to accomplish here on TT? What does any person wish to do in any forum? Seek answers? Help others? Is this a stretch for you to understand, Russ"
What does any person wish to do in any forum?
Some of them can try to satisfy own ego, or look for personal satisfaction or personal recognition it is easy to see to everyone who is aware of “Maslow pyramid values”.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs's_h ... y_of_needs
Providing help from level of 530-540 is to share knowledge of your own “issues, mostly related to the level of development of fundamentals” without any knowledge how to fix it.
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
Greg Derr
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Post by Greg Derr »

Let's all hope the real estate market picks up in Michigan and Russ can work his velvet tongue on a few folks looking for a condo.
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I can't post. I do not know what problem is...

Post by Russ »

"What do I wish to accomplish here on TT? What does any person wish to do in any forum? Seek answers? Help others? Is this a stretch for you to understand, Russ"
What does any person wish to do in any forum?
Some of them can try to satisfy own ego, or look for personal satisfaction or personal recognition it is easy to see to everyone who is aware of “Maslow pyramid values”.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs's_h ... y_of_needs
Providing help from level of 530-540 is to share knowledge of your own “issues, mostly related to the level of development of fundamentals” without any knowledge how to fix it.
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Russ »

gn303 wrote:I didn't think of getting involved in this discussion, however!
I do believe that Russ has values to pass to shooters, young or old. I've noticed that many coaches from the former USSR are now active in other countries, with success. I also believe that shooting is more a mental game than anything else. Bassham's book is very clear about that, and that book was writting quit a while ago! What bothers me is that Russ is giving the impression that by attending his classes a shooter will easily shoot 570 in AP, in a match! Sorry, but this sound to me like rubbish. If it were true, the AP matches would be crowded with shooters shooting 570's.
To: gn 303
There is no need to “believe that Russ”…. You to need only open your mind to understand a few things

First: Prioritize the task. To shoot over 575 AP was an obligation for me, not fun and I did it for many years.

Second: You need to have DESIRE to achieve your goal! Not a moderate wish of a “couch potato.”

Third: You have to trust yourself that you are capable to score above the average level

Fourth: The individual must have System, Structure, Strategy, and Support to achieve Success in area his desired performance. This is totally my thing, not related to USSR coaching at all!
Is there any mystery of this subject to you?

Anyone who fits into this model can do 570 in three months!
I have reports from my students who done it and many others will do it too! I’m not making money from it! I just do not want to waste my time.

Is anyone interested about the value of the word "obligation", yet?
Self discipline can do the trick. Fun is the wrong transportation for this task.
If you are looking for fun, that would include only recreational activities and it does not matter what you told to your wife to justify the next purchase of a $2,000.00 toy.
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Brian James
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Post by Brian James »

Russ wrote:
"..Forth: Individual must have (System, Structure, Strategy, and Support to achieve Success in area of his desired performance) This is totally my thing, not related to USSR coaching at all!..."

The fourth point is perhaps the most telling of Russ’s argument that a shooter can shoot a 570 in AP in 3 months. I’m sure it’s been done when the shooter has a “ System, Structure, Strategy and Support”. Sadly, many shooters do not have access to a “System, Structure, Strategy and Support”. There are very few shooters who are able to eat and sleep shooting. Are there full time shooting schools in North America that can be found in asia or the former USSR?

Regrettably, many shooters are unable or unwilling to sacrifice everything for shooting. I would rather aspire to be a 570 shooter over a course of years, and have a career, a home and be able to retire. However, I’m not the athlete Russ is looking for and I respect that. Russ is likely looking for champions, the 580-590 shooters.

While reading Russ’s post it reminded me of a conversation I had with a Korean shooter I met while competing abroad. He explained the secret to improving my free pistol score was simple: Shoot a minimum of 200 rds a day (of free pistol). Sadly, my shooting budget, lack of range time and a career inhibits me from that volume of shooting. I may never shoot a 560 in free, let alone a 550, but I’ve accepted that.

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Post by Russ »

Thank you Brian.
It is true!
Yes, it is a challenge to sacrifice a lot of things toward your goal! But everyone must accept the reality that someone does it.
Those who believed in themselves came to me and we worked out a detailed plan to make it fit to theirs busy schedule.
John Robinson did it in two and a half months: 572 AP from the initial level of 540. He is a hero to me!
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gerard »

Russ wrote: AP 530- or 540 (possible practice score) is not even close to the any national final or any score performance where athlete can pay attention to the real psychology of this game.
Your level of performance, attitude and desire is recreational activities.
I am not interested about this level of development at all, do you like it or not!
For the record, here is... the record, in a PDF file from the BCTSA: ... Pistol.pdf

Third line down. Best score of the three a mere 544, hardly worth spitting on of course. Oh, wait... John Robinson shot a 540 and three months later he was your hero, Russ? I shot this match - not a "possible practice score" - while in the middle of a flu, which unfortunately is still with me a bit, and while recovering from a shoulder injury from last summer. Back then I shot 553 twice and was on track for higher results.

Injuries happen. So does recovery. My rotator cuff should be at 100% healed by the June match in Kamloops. I intend to score above the required 93.34% for elevation to Masters class at that time. This "couch potato" is taking his "recreation" seriously.

And yes, it is a recreational activity. No one's life depends on shooting 590 AP. And it is fun. I enjoy shooting better scores than I did last month. And if it stops being fun, I will simply stop doing it. There is no necessity here, only a desire to do well.

But someone's grumpy, and now I feel a bit remorseful about that. Sorry Russ. I shall try really hard to not post in your threads in future.
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Post by Russ »

"I shall try really hard to not post in your threads in future."
Please do. I will deeply appreciate your commitment.

P.S. I have pleasure instead of fun. My pleasure was achieving a desired score performance, the pleasure of accomplishing all necessary tasks regarding my practice routine, the pleasure of being selected to a top level group of elite athletes in different countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia... I also had the pleasure to achieve the highest level of performance available in Russia (MSMK).
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Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Gerard, you aren't totally correct about "no ones life depends on shooting xxx", in some countries shooting is the way out of a otherwise very hard life, so their life does kind of depend on it (as in a decent existence).

One of the things I find in North America, people seemed to be cursed by too much choice (definitely a first world problem), especially juniors.
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Post by gn303 »

As a reaction to my previous post I received a pm from a shooter who testifies his progress, in training and in competition, after having followed the course of Mr. Russ.
So my congratulations to both: trainer and athlete!
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Post by tronozac »

I don't know why all of You don't belive that Russ is capable in achieve goal of 570. If You find my older posts You fan see that I was shooting with FWB 65 for few weeks and achieve ~530 (from 0). Then I buyed used LP10 last year in January and after 3 training I was on 550. After week I was in competition with 552. Month later I got 566.... But point is I got to this results with my trainer (Not Russ!). So It's not big deal about 560-570. Read this Russ's post again (few times):
There is no need to “believe that Russ”…. You to need only open your mind to understand a few things
This one was (and still) is very important for me:
Second: You need to have DESIRE to achieve your goal! Not a moderate wish of a “couch potato.”

Third: You have to trust yourself that you are capable to score above the average level
Trust in Yourself, because if You don't trust...noone will!
You are the one who will pull the trigger, It's all about You!

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Post by Russ »

You, tronozac, are correct, I told it many times in different ways.
One of the problems is: "How to Move your Performance to Level 570 in AP in 3 Months" is not an official way to do things. It is involved liabilities for big organization. It is also not a recipe for everyone, but it does not mean that it cannot be achievable in three month. Many did it and many will do!
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Post by jackh »

Russ wrote:"I'm curious about a lot of things. Currently I am still curious about various people's perspectives on 10m AP, as I am pursuing this in competition and wish to improve as much as is possible. On that subject, just a slight, if insignificant to you, amendment; my average for the past several weeks has been about 540, perhaps slightly higher, or so the spreadsheet graph displaying my scores in practice and competition shows.

What do I wish to accomplish here on TT? What does any person wish to do in any forum? Seek answers? Help others? Is this a stretch for you to understand, Russ"

The way to satisfy curiosity is to ask questions and listen.
AP 530 or 540 (possible practice score) is not even close to the national final or any score performance where the athlete can pay attention to the real psychology of this game.
Your level of performance, and attitude and desire are recreational activities.
I am not interested about this level of development at all, whether you like it or not!
Your 570 AP is rather up there. That's 95%. I have noticed 570+ scores are few and far between. A recent bulletin showed only half a dozen or so such scores day to day in what I believe was a Canadian match. You need to take some of us lowly recreational shooters, maybe even some conventional pistol shooters, and take us from 80% shooters to 85%, then to 90% and so on. I am not complaining, or ragging on you. I am advising. Oh, and "not interested"? I could have advice on your attitude.

You should decide something. Let me make a comparison. A part of the agency where I work is a gymnastics academy which teaches the very young beginner up to the pre-elite gymnast that we will call level one. Next, in our area is a "National Academy" for gymnastics, level 2. They cater to some near elite and elite gymnasts. This second stage has produced some Olympians. However these few top most elite went on to the Olympic arena, level 3, with the like of Bella Karoli (sp?). So which type of shooting level are you offering? BTW I am not a gymnast. And never played on on TV either. Baseball, racquet sports, and shooting are my pleasures. Oh and maybe a little golf.
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Focusing efforts can set up the “fire”.

Post by Russ »

" Baseball, racquet sports, and shooting are my pleasures. Oh and maybe a little golf."
You have too many activities and not focused attention on specific subject. No one can help you until you will define your goal and set priorities, take steps according to your plan.
In February I met someone who came to work with me from other side of the planet without asking too many question on this forum. I just received his progress report and he is doing better than I expected. If you doing ISSF shooting as cross training activities, I do not blame you, there is some chance that you will get some benefits. I’m interested to work with individuals who know what they want (specific goal, focused attention and planned action).
Focusing efforts can set up the “fire”. ;)
Our mind is magnifying glass in this case to deliver full potential of your efforts in single area of development. In this case people start searching for the right set of knowledge also.
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Post by remmy223 »

Russ... If i asked you to answer a maths question say 2+2 would you answer by saying 3 or 5 ??

My point is this... re-read Jackh 's last post and give him a direct answer to the direct question he asked you.

This way you may start down a new path of regaining some respect on the TT forums .... you never know it might actually gain you some business!!
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I’m sorry if this message cannot reach the audience of TT.

Post by Russ »

"You need to take some of us lowly recreational shooters, maybe even some conventional pistol shooters, and take us from 80% shooters to 85%, then to 90% and so on. I am not complaining, or ragging on you. I am advising. Oh, and "not interested"? I could have advice on your attitude. "

Dear TT friends my attitude will not solve any problems, not in my business not in some one’s score performance!

"take some of us lowly recreational shooters"
I cannot do anything with recreational shooter! No one can!
I’m sorry if this message cannot reach the audience of TT.

I'm looking for this kind of attitude:
"World Land Speed Record holder
H/GCC Dodge Colt
Racing a BSA Victor 107.371MPH at the Salt
Greenland Ice Driller
Antarctic Ice Driller "

I cannot help if someone does not know why he came to the shooting range or bought few Olympic pistols. You guys like to talk about psychology of this sport. This is psychology! This is initial question everyone has to ask himself in the first place.
It is reality, do you like it or not!
Does someone expecting in metamorphosis happen someday in this development? My best wishes, I’m too old to believe in the wizard of OZ
Correct  attitude,
Correct attitude,
never-give-up.jpg (26.42 KiB) Viewed 3237 times
Last edited by Russ on Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mike M.
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Post by Mike M. »

A golf course is a wicked waste of a perfectly good site for a shooting range.
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Post by ronpistolero »


Just my two cents worth. This is a forum of thoughts. If you disagree with what Russ says then disagree. But there's no need to be combative or angry about his posts. A lot are invites to his training method but nobody's forced to go and do so. While I disagree with a number of his thoughts and the way he presents them, there are quite sensible insights in there. I think that it might be healthiest if we learn to pick up those that may be deemed valuable and not mind those that you think are worthless.
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