How to Move your Performance to Level 570 in AP in 3 Months

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Post by Russ »

What is value of that word “experience”?
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Post by ModestoPete »

Russ, I'm sorry but I do not understand your question about the value of experience
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Re: What is the first one?

Post by Russ »

ModestoPete wrote:My guess would be to see and experience something new and different from what they know.
Your expression is my guess. You are not sure why you are taking the trip, but people do it anyway.

What do people bring from a vacation? They bring pictures and souvenirs. Do those items have an equivalent money value compared to what is spent on this trip? Your word, "experience" is more related to the value of feelings. Pictures and souvenirs will trigger our feelings and memories from a good time which we really value. Is this statement correct?
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Post by ModestoPete »

Yes, that is correct
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Post by Russ »

We have the statement, "My guess," which is related to subconscious properties. We also have "feelings".

Let's talk about feelings first. Feelings are more related to our energy level which empowers our thoughts to achieve goals in our life. Let's say target shooting performance. When people rely only written expressions, books, CDs, videotapes, and public forums; their feelings in most cases can be different from someone who wants to deliver their knowledge. This extremely valuable part is hidden in the message that we are trying to use it as a main source to empower our performance and rely 100% on those sources.

For me, to provide help based on a few sentences is very difficult, even with my experience, but many members of this forum are able to respond immediately with advice without analyzing the complete picture of performance.
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Post by v76 »

Russ wrote:We have the statement, "My guess," which is related to subconscious properties. We also have "feelings".Let's talk about feelings first. Feelings are more related to our energy level which empowers our thoughts to achieve goals in our life. Let's say target shooting performance. When people rely only written expressions, books, CDs, videotapes, and public forums; their feelings in most cases can be different from someone who wants to deliver their knowledge. This extremely valuable part is hidden in the message that we are trying to use it as a main source to empower our performance and rely 100% on those sources. For me, to provide help based on a few sentences is very difficult, even with my experience, but many members of this forum are able to respond immediately with advice without analyzing the complete picture of performance.
What is the value of the word 'advice'?
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Post by Russ »

What is the source of advice: Viagra45 or DNA58?
I will go with Viagra 45. :)))
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Post by Gerard »

Russ; Joking aside, do you know the word 'cryptic'? My advice for what it's worth would be that you avoid generating feelings of alienation, bemusement, or outright hostility by avoiding use of cryptic messages such as these. Ridicule, belittlement, bullying, whatever you want to call it, is simply not constructive.

Further, I suggest that you review the definition of irony. I find it somewhat ironic that of your many posts in this public forum, a considerable percentage of your comments directly attack the use of public forums.

In a perhaps relevant example; I don't much approve of Facebook. The whole Facebook culture leaves me cold, completely uninteresting waste of time. I did sign up a few years ago to shut people up, as my clients were unrelenting in their entreaties for me to join. I joined, I set up my options such that I would never receive any notifications from Facebook, and I only check periodically to see if they've used their reputedly heavy-handed administration privileges to toggle any of my privacy or other preferences to undesirable settings. No one bothers me to join Facebook any more. At all. Zero. Because they can search, find that I am a member with 1 picture, then move on. It has slightly simplified my life, as there is no longer the irritation of people bothering me to join. Perhaps if is so offensive to you because people dare to offer each other advice, you might consider avoiding participating in this evil enterprise? I'm certainly not asking you to leave. Far from it, as I find the odd bit of your writing to be very positive and constructive. What I suggest is that you reflect on the medium in which you are participating, and perhaps consider not ridiculing others for doing the same thing.
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Post by Russ »

I hope someone can read and see the opposite side of what "you are capable to recognize" in my message. ;)
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Post by Gerard »

Russ wrote:I hope someone can read and see opposite site of what "you are capable to recognize" in my message. ;)
I just did a search of this thread, and found no example of the word "recognize" in your comments prior to this quoted line. Same for the word "capable". So... what exactly are you playing at?
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Post by Russ »

Just paying respect for your special gift to see things differently.
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Post by Gerard »

Not at all. You're an obfuscator, which is to say, one who greatly enjoys generating the appearance of a mystery when in fact there is no content, no mystery at all. I prefer to speak plainly, thanks, so I'll move along yet again and put 'Russ' on the ignore pile.
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"Up to the creek without paddles,"

Post by Russ »

"Aim for the moon, even if you miss it, you'll become one of the stars."

It is not much of a mystery in this statement, just a different way to express myself.

"Up to the creek without paddles," you can dig more about this statement. This is exactly what I see in your personal development. Sorry for not encouraging you. Your long wordy posts show a lack of confidence in the process you are involved. A lack of ability to listen can bring other sorts of issues in your performance.
Greg Derr
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Post by Greg Derr »

In case you havn't realized it, Russ is the resident windbag of BS and psycho babble which in the end has resulted in zero help for anyone but himself and his bigger than reality ego.
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Post by Russ »

To Greg Derr, how about you take care of Gearld's performance personally? We will see the "reality show" of how you can prove your words by actual deeds.
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Post by Gerard »

Oh I've noticed Greg. But the combination of my intrinsic optimism, and a parallel fondness for watching train wrecks, leads me back to wasting the odd few minutes on the guy now and then. Now he thinks my posts are lengthy... guess he doesn't know I type at 100wpm+. And now he's pronouncing me insecure, and seemingly judging me a failure. Gosh, should my feelings be hurt? ;-)
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Post by Russ »

"Gosh, should my feelings be hurt? ;-)"
No! What I see you and Greg Derr are trying to “contribute” to my posts. Do you have anything more valuable to do besides this mission?
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Post by Gerard »

Let's see... something more valuable to do... Okay, today I spent a fair number of hours with my son, playing, reading, inventing stuff. He helped me in my workshop a little as I rehaired a couple of violin bows. Went shopping (typing that last message on my phone during half a block of walking home). I've been pretty busy today, as I have been the last few days, working on the design for my next doublebass, as I sold the previous one this past week. Oh, and I shot about 80 shots after half an hour of dry fire, most shot on blank paper, with the groups looking quite nice. Last paper I shot 30 times and when I turned that target over to see the face there was only 1 x 8, the rest 9's and 10's. Seems that the modification I made to my Varga glasses this morning after breakfast paid off, as I'm better able to focus on the front sight when the lens is 10mm closer to my eye.

What you you done today Russ? Irritated any would-be champion shooters lately? Oh, right, so you have been busy.
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Post by Russ »

You made 169 posts already. Your average performance is about 530 AP. Your dream score is 565. “I type at 100wpm+.” You are trying to arguing with me all the time…

What exactly would you like to accomplish here on TT?
Last edited by Russ on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Gerard »

I'm curious about a lot of things. Currently I am still curious about various people's perspectives on 10m AP, as I am pursuing this in competition and wish to improve as much as is possible. On that subject, just a slight, if insignificant to you, amendment; my average for the past several weeks has been about 540, perhaps slightly higher, or so the spreadsheet graph displaying my scores in practice and competition shows.

What do I wish to accomplish here on TT? What does any person wish to do in any forum? Seek answers? Help others? Is this a stretch for you to understand, Russ? I've followed your threads from time to time (though far from ALL of them as for the most part I've read them and lost interest right then) because at times you've displayed hints towards subjects which might have become significant to me, somewhat interesting in their nature. But usually I've come away disappointed, as you have this somewhat silly (just my opinion, one perhaps shared by a few others but certainly not all) habit of digressing into a sort of morass of condescension and mystification. The one recurring theme seems to be along the lines of 'if you take this sport seriously you will pay a professional like me for their time.'

As a professional craftsman, I have people coming to me all the time to pay me money for my professional services. I restore their instruments to proper function, often finding ways to improve the performance of said instruments such that the musicians can perform to a higher standard. I am well familiar with this role of the professional, in whatever trade. However, I take it a step beyond this mere service, as I see it being a substantial part of my role to inform, to teach others about their instruments' maintenance and at least modest sorts of repairs which they might carry out themselves. Some choose to leave all the work to me, but some choose to save themselves some money and do part of the 'easy' work themselves, with my guidance. I know this flies in the face of your quoted lines about 'if you wish to try to do the work yourself, then bring it to me, the charge if $275/hour' or whatever it was... but I am not so mercenary as that. I actually like it when people move gradually towards competence, in whatever field through which they find their lives moving. I earn a living, and I help musicians to become more well-rounded, better informed about the subject which is at the centre of their existence; music.

In the course of my work I never denigrate my clients, feel no need to insult them nor to condescend from my lofty perch as a much sought after luthier. I've seen too much of that nonsense, too much secrecy around things which are not secrets at all, merely learned techniques which are readily available in the literature or by passing the knowledge directly from person to person. No need for BS, secrets, mysticism, salesmanship.

So I find it personally annoying, outright absurd really, the way you routinely take perfectly straight-forward subjects around 10m AP shooting and twist them into indecipherable gibberish. The egomania involved seems incalculable. But it remains mildly fascinating. Like I said, I enjoy the odd train wreck.
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