Oppositon to Shooting Sports

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Post by JSBmatch »

I had a wonderful coach [bus] tour of the Southern States a few years ago and the bus driver was armed with 9-mm in a shoulder holster.
He said he had a federal licence to carry it because he was driving through so many different States. He said he had to have a training course and annual marksmanship check, a bit like the Police do. It was apparently for our protection.
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Post by michal006 »

Typically, the media has discovered a "problem" in the process by which FFLs are acquired and maintained. Allegations are flying thick and fast that many FFL holders are not legitimate dealers and that they are engaged in a variety of criminal activities, including "gun-running," a newly minted pejorative, coined just for the occasion. Naturally, this new menace has thoroughly exercised our imperial congress. Now that the media watchdogs have fabricated a crisis, our intrepid leaders can craft a draconian solution, further eroding our Second Amendment freedoms.

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Post by nockon »

If you want material for your speech, just google "Canada and scrapping the long gun registry" You will get all kinds of stuff especially anything from the NDP they're the Opposition in Ottawa and Agains the scrapping of the registry and they come up with at least one or more arguments every week.

Here's a good link to get you started: http://www.cdnshootingsports.org/2006/0 ... istry.html

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Post by bluetentacle »

I believe that it's crucial to distinguish between organized gun control advocacy, and the average opinion on the street.

In general, people who grew up in urban areas have a negative impression of guns because the only time they hear about guns is in a negative context--their use in violent crimes, terrorism, etc. They have no personal experience with the beneficial use of guns, such as in hunting, recreation, home defense, and marksmanship.

That said, in my experience, true gun-phobes are very few and far between. If you talk about your connection with marksmanship, most urbanites would express curiosity and many would be happy to go shooting with you. Now if you asked them if they are for gun control, most of them would argue for it, but theirs is usually not a very well-thought-out opinion and can be changed, especially if they become addicted to the shooting sports.

Of course, there are ideologues out there who really do hate guns and it won't take you long to run into them. For your presentation, however, you can assume that most of your audience will be sufficiently open-minded to a pro-gun message.

If this presentation is really supposed to be about shooting sports, rather than about gun-control, I would advise that you concentrate on informing your audience about what shooting sports are and what makes them special. DO NOT turn it into a presentation about gun control. Do research the gun control debate in order to answer any possible challenges from the gun haters in the crowd. You may talk a little bit about the errors of gun control at the end of the presentation, but do focus on the *positive message* first and foremost. After all, your goal is to attract more people to the sport, not irritate them with politics.
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Post by bluetentacle »

Speaking of the positive message, this popular quote from Thomas Jefferson might be useful:

(On advising his nephew Peter Carr on exercise) "As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprize, and independance to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. "
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Post by remmy223 »

did anybody look at the dates on this thread?? im guessing BJ has probably given his talk by now.;-p
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Post by bluetentacle »

I guess so :) Haha.
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Post by nockon »

remmy223 wrote:did anybody look at the dates on this thread?? im guessing BJ has probably given his talk by now.;-p
Dough!!! :-)
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Post by Abi »

the post got bumped to the top of the list do to the SPAM from "michal006"
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