Dot size/intensity

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Dot size/intensity

Post by Freepistol »

Does anyone change the size or intensity of your dot between slow and sustained fire?
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Post by NDbullseye »

I change mine to a bigger dot during sustained fire to help make the dot easier to aquire.
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Red Dot Intensity

Post by RedMerle »

I use a very light dot intensity on the long line and a bit brighter on the short line. There is no right or wrong, it's strictly personal preference. Some shooters use the same setting throughout the course.
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Post by pinbuster »

I was shooting at the New Jersey State Championship this season, which was the biggest match I had participated in (about 100 entries over 3 weekends). They give a gun away to each class winner, and I was having trouble keeping my anxiety level under control. I switched to a larger dot early in the match, hoping that instead of trying to hold the small dot in the center of the bull, I'd be able to settle for just keeping the larger dot inside the bull. I can't say that it really helped my scores, but it did help settle me down a little.

I'm interested to hear others opinions on the large/small dot use as well. Are there times you switch to a larger dot or smaller dot, and why?
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Post by RedMerle »

If I am having trouble following-through or am less steady than usual, I often crank up the dot and just squeeze until the shot breaks. Invariably, things then come together pretty quickly.
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Post by Rover »

I too, use a dim dot at the long line and a brighter one for the short.

Remember, though, to look at the bull and not the dot.
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Post by kle »

For my UltraDots (all 1", 4MOA), I'll go up one or two levels of intensity between slow and sustained fire (one level if it's a 'strong' UltraDot with a usable brightness at '1', two levels if it's a 'weak' UltraDot with a usable brightness at '4'; they're somewhat inconsistent).

I've used another shooter's gun that had a MatchDot installed and tried the largest setting (8MOA) and I don't think I liked it that much.
mr alexander
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Dot Size(s) Used

Post by mr alexander »


I shoot in a weekly B.E. league at an indoor 25 yard range. Have been using a 4 MOA UltraDot with 1" tube since 2002. For Slow Fire, I have mine set at "7" out of the available 11 choices. This is quite a bit larger than what others use, but I find if a lower setting is used, the tendency is there to try to "pick them off". By that I mean the shot is "forced" due to the sense that the dot movement/wobble area seems so much greater. At "7", dot movement is far less apparent and I am able to execute better trigger control. Others argue that using a smaller dot setting is "more accurate" for SF. My comeback- IF the dot just happens to centered in the 10-ring when the shot breaks, what difference does it make if your UltraDot was set on "2", "7" or "11"? To me, "Center is Center"! For Timed/Rapid, I use "11". Here the scoring rings are more forgiving and the larger dot size makes recovery from recoil and follow-up shots much easier to accomplish.
Dave C.
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Post by Dave C. »

I use a 4moa dot on the long line and an 8moa on the short line.
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Post by Chris_D »

For me it depends on my eyes and hold. If I can see clearly and my hold is steady, I use the smallest dot for everything. If I am not seeing so good or my hold is a bit more shaky, I will go up a size on the dot. I make no effort to settle on a specific size for either short or long line, or for that matter, indoor or outdoor. I figure it is adjustable so I adjust it to what looks good at the time of shooting.

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dear free:

Post by crankythunder »

My dot is a aimpoint 9002c. it has a 2moa dot.

in slow fire, I use a very dim dot, almost transparent so that it is not more then a shadow on the target, then maybe up one click.

Timed and rapid, i turn it up a click, sometimes two. Actual setting depends on ambient lighting conditions.

Interesting enough, I have found that at certain matches, they supply targets that are on a lighter paper then others, and I tend to turn the brightness up for clarity but end up with some eye strain due to the relative brightness of the target background and higher intensity dot. Next time this happens, I am going to concienciously tone down the dot to compensate for the target enduced eye strain. Not sure what the correct answer is but I will let you know if the diminished dot helps out with the almost white targets.

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According to Brian and Fred

Post by jackh »

This topic is quite current here. I have been shooting 50 foot outdoors lately. 22 only as we are starting the indoor gallery league soon. I have been setting the 1"-four dot on the 16moa and intensity 1. I can really "look at the target" through that big ghost dot. This method is based on the internet mentoring from BZ and FM.
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